Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us; therefore let us keep the feast.
Over the next few months, Canon John Hill will walk with us as we engage the experience of “Becoming the Story we Tell – renewing our engagement in Christ crucified and risen”. In presenting this renewal program, the Primate’s Task Force, Anglican Church of Canada, wrote, “Many faithful members of the Church worry that the great tradition we inherited has lost its passion. We need to know how to renew our engagement in Christ crucified and risen. That is how we become the story we tell. And that is how, together, we will lay foundations for bearing witness to the Good News and making new disciples.”
In the weeks to follow, more information will be shared about this journey—from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost— as we seek to recover the Church’s original passion.
For more information, click here.
Small Group Reflection will be a major part of the way we observe a Holy Lent and celebrate a fulfilling Eastertide. The groups will gather once a week — on-line, or in-person — beginning in Lent (Wednesday March 9) to Pentecost.
Those participating on-line will all gather by Zoom on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm for opening prayer, and then be sent off into their groups, in breakout rooms. In-person groups will begin their evening on-line, with the gathering for opening prayer, and then proceed with their reflections off-line.
And a household with children can also participate, since they already form a group! By gathering in groups for shared reflection, we can learn how to support and encourage one another in entering more
deeply into the story of Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection. For that is how we can ‘become the story we tell’.
By registering now, you will enable the Coordinating Team to assign you to a group.
Email to register. Please indicate whether you would prefer to meet in person or online.
Please feel free to talk to any member of the Coordinating Team for further details.
The Rev. Claire Latimer-Dennis
Bill Benson
The Rev. Canon John Hill