The Cathedral has been designated as an Ontario Heritage Property by the Ministry of Culture and has also been designated as a heritage site by Heritage Toronto.
You are welcome to visit us.
The Cathedral is open Monday to Saturday from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
8:00am: Said Eucharist
9:00am: Sung Eucharist
11:00am: Choral Eucharist (Also live-streamed on the Diocesan YouTube channel)
4:30pm: Choral Evensong (Also be live-streamed on the Cathedral’s YouTube channel)

Visitors are most welcome to come and experience the Cathedral during open hours.
We do ask that guests enjoy the Cathedral in a quiet manner, since it is frequently in use for services or personal prayer.
To arrange for a group tour, please contact
A Brief History
- 1793 – Town of York established, first Anglican service
- 1797- Congregation worships in government buildings until wooden church built
- 1807 – First “Church at York” built of wood with the help of the garrison
- 1813 – Church used as hospital during War of 1812; damaged and robbed by American troops
- 1818 – Church enlarged and bell tower added. Used as fire bell for the town
- 1828 – Church dedicated to St. James the Apostle
- 1833 – Wooden church taken down. Neo-classical stone church built.
- 1834 – Town of York becomes the City of Toronto
- 1839 – January: church burns; August: The Reverend John Strachan consecrated first Bishop of Toronto; December: St. James Church becomes a cathedral
- 1844 – Sixty-five acres by the Don River purchased for cemetery
- 1849 – Fire destroys Cathedral
- 1853 – New Gothic Revival Cathedral opens for services on original site
- 1865 – Bells installed
- 1875 – Spire completed
- 1876 – Clock donated by citizens of Toronto
- 1889 – Side galleries and aisle benches removed, choir stalls and organ console installed in chancel
- 1910 – Parish House opened
- 1936 – St. George’s Chapel dedicated, organ overhauled by Casavant Freres
- 1953 – New vestry added, sacristy refitted
- 1959 – Parish House renovated, Diocesan Centre built
- 1982 – Major renovation of the Cathedral completed
- 1997 – Bicentenary celebrated, peal of 12 change-ringing bells installed
- 2012 – Completion of the Cathedral Centre (formerly Parish House) renovation of office and meeting space