
Worship with us

Sunday, February 16, 2025 – The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

8:00am – Said Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer)

Presiding Celebrant: The Very Reverend Dr. Stephen Hance

9:00am – Sung Eucharist (Book of Alternative Services)

9:00am Service Leaflet

Presiding Celebrant & Homilist: The Reverend Matthew Waterman

The 9:00am Eucharist will also be live-streamed on the Cathedral’s YouTube channel

11:00am – Choral Eucharist (Book of Alternative Services)

11:00am Service Leaflet

Presiding Celebrant: The Very Reverend Dr. Stephen Hance

Homilist: The Reverend Matthew Waterman

Music Notes for the service

The 11:00am Eucharist will also be live-streamed on the Diocesan YouTube channel & on the Cathedral’s YouTube channel

4:30pm – Choral Evensong

4:30pm Service Leaflet

Presiding Celebrant & Homilist: The Reverend Canon Philip Hobson

The 4:30pm Service will also be live-streamed on the Cathedral’s YouTube channel

Connections – February 16, 2025
Children’s Leaflet – The Sunday Paper

The Sunday Paper, to which St. James Cathedral has a paid subscription, is posted here with permission of the author/illustrator, Gretchen Wolff Pritchard.  © Gretchen Wolff Pritchard, The Sunday Paper, 19 Colony Road, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, www.the-sunday-paper.com.  All rights reserved.  This is copyright material and should not be further forwarded or distributed. 

General Worship Information

All are welcome to attend liturgical services at the Cathedral and to participate in the many other opportunities St. James provides for people to explore the significance of the Christian gospel for their lives. Godly Play meets every Sunday at both the 9:00am and 11:00am services. All children are welcome! Please email Karyne Whalen for more information at kwhalen@stjamescathedral.ca Daily Services – Check our current weekday service schedule here.

Faith Milestones


Those who wish to make a commitment to Jesus Christ and become a member of his Body, the Church, are baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity after receiving instruction appropriate to their age and circumstances. In the case of infants and young children, it is the parents and godparents or sponsors who will receive such preparation. Read More
The Anglican Church of Canada welcomes all those who have been baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity in any Christian tradition to receive Holy Communion at the Eucharist. Baptism is not repeatable and no further initiation rite is required. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is celebrated publicly at the Cathedral several times during the year. To make further inquiries about Holy Baptism at St. James Cathedral, contact the office. A baptism registration form is available in PDF here.


The Church encourages baptized people who find themselves at a significant turning point in their spiritual journey to solemnly renew their baptismal vows and receive the strengthening gifts of the Holy Spirit through the laying-on-of-hands by the Bishop. Read More
This sacramental rite is appropriate for those baptized at a young age who are now ready to make a personal and mature commitment to Christ and his Church; those who come to the Anglican Church from another Christian tradition; or those who are returning to active church life after a significant absence. Depending on a person’s circumstances the rite is variously known as Confirmation, Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows, or Reception into the Anglican Communion. To make further inquiries about Confirmation at St. James Cathedral, contact the office.


Weddings are celebrated in the Cathedral for members of the Cathedral community and  members of other Anglican parishes. To make further inquiries about weddings at St. James Cathedral, couples are invited to contact the office BY EMAIL. (We regret that we cannot respond to enquiries from wedding planners).


When we are baptized or renew our baptismal promises we promise to “persevere in resisting evil and, whenever we fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord.” All of us fall short and are called to a life of self-examination and repentance. At most liturgical services in the Anglican tradition there is a general acknowledgment of this and an opportunity to seek and receive God’s forgiveness. But sometimes that is not enough. Those who are troubled by their sins are invited to seek and receive God’s forgiveness and the counsel of a priest in The Reconciliation of a Penitent, commonly called Confession. For those unfamiliar with this pastoral practice, it is recommended that instruction be given by a cleric before the confession is made. The rite is available at fixed times in Holy Week and at other times during the year by appointment with the clergy.

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing and the Laying on of Hands for Healing is offered most Sundays at the 11:00am Service and on the third Sunday of the month at the 9:00am.