The Community Refugee Committee needs your support

Community Refugee Committee News

The committee is seeking the help of parishioners in identifying temporary rental accommodation for a family of four.

If you want to help in any way and/or you are aware of possible accommodations, please feel free to contact Rebecca McTaggart – Community Refugee Committee Co-Chair at


The St. James and Community Refugee Committee is expecting the arrival of an Eritrean family who escaped to Israel and has been waiting for more than five years to reunite with their brother. Mulu, arrived 5.5 years ago having been sponsored by a refugee committee in the Bathurst/St. Clair neighbourhood. We expect that the family will arrive within the next 4-8 weeks.

The family of four – mother Yerusalea, father Henok, their son aged 9 and daughter aged 3 – will need temporary accommodation upon arrival (we do not have an arrival date as yet) and more permanent accommodation. As we all read every day in the media, affordable accommodation is both difficult to secure and even more challenging for newcomers. Some landlords are reluctant to rent to newcomers given their lack of financial history in Canada.

The committee has funds to support rent for the family within reasonable limits. We are seeking the help of parishioners in identifying possible rental accommodation that would meet their needs. Given the challenging state of the apartment rental market, we are open to any ideas within Toronto. If you are aware of possible accommodation that would meet the needs of this family, please contact Rebecca McTaggart at


Best regards,
Refugee Committee