Diocese of Toronto | Anglican Church of Canada

Special Vestry Meeting – October 17, 2021

Pursuant to Canon 14 (12.4) a Special Vestry Meeting of St. James Cathedral Church is hereby called for Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 1:30pm to take place on Zoom. The purpose of this meeting is to approve proceeding with the Hillside H restoration project at St. James Cemetery & Crematorium. Vestry will be asked to approve a revision to this project.

In accordance with the Canon on Vestries of the Diocese of Toronto, persons sixteen years of age and over who have been members of and worshippers with this congregation for at least three months, prior to the meeting of the Vestry, and have not voted as a member of any other Vestry during the previous three months, nor intend on voting in any other Vestry during the ensuing year, are parish members. If you wish to confirm your status as a parish member, please email info@stjamescathedral.ca.

You must register to attend the Special Vestry Meeting.

Click here to register to attend the Special Vestry meeting.

You can also register by email to info@stjamescathedral.ca or leave a message at 416-364-7865, ext. *229.

Please register to attend no later than Friday, October 15, 2021 at 2:00pm.
Details of how to connect to the meeting will be sent to registered members by October 16.

Posted on: September 28th, 2021 by St. James Cathedral

The Cathedral Church of St James

106 King Street East, Toronto ON M5C 2E9 | Office & Mailing Address: 65 Church Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2E9
(416)364-7865 | info@stjamescathedral.ca

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