Diocese of Toronto | Anglican Church of Canada

E-Connections – October 27, 2021

Much of what it means to be a Christian revolves around identity.  Who is God? Who is Jesus Christ?  Who am I as a child of God?  Who am I as a follower of Jesus Christ?  How do others see me? What is my identity in the world, church and society? How am I identified by race?

Racism is the identifying of a group of persons as superior or inferior based on cultural or ethnic differences as well as other factors, most notably skin colour.

For centuries, racism has been a destructive force in our world and lives. Recent events have reinforced this reality. As a response, the Social Justice and Advocacy Department of the Diocese of Toronto asked parishes to consider a motion at their Annual General Vestry meetings to work at ways to eliminate racism in the Church and increase justice for all God’s people.

As we look forward to our next Annual General Vestry meeting in March of 2022, I want to make you aware of the final plans our Anti-racism working group has in mind between now and then.

On November 3, our Vicar, Canon Stephen Fields, will lead two identical conversations on Anti-Black Racism as he discusses the topic “How Black people became invisible and how the Church can begin to see them!” Drawing upon lived experiences of Black people in the Canadian context and biblical and theological perspectives, he will suggest a framework for dismantling racism.

Later that month or early in December, we will have a panel discussion with three racialized individuals to discuss their experience of racism in their careers and personal lives.  In January, we will have a movie discussion group on “The Doctrine of Discovery”, a film which speaks about the effect of colonization on Indigenous persons.  Then in February, we will have another discussion event around anti-black racism.  Please stay tuned for details on these important events as they emerge.

These discussions are not time limited and therefore, even though a new motion will come before Vestry in March, we will continue to offer events and learning opportunities about racism, and justice for the people of God. Moving forward, we will discuss anti-Asian racism with our Mandarin members, as well as a panel discussion on the racial and political tensions that continue to influence life in what we call The Holy Land. These are exciting opportunities to grow as one human people under the care of one God.

Below are details surrounding our next event on November 3.  With thanks to our Anti-racism Working Group, I remain,

Yours in Christ,
Dean Stephen Vail



Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 11:00am and again at 7:00pm

As we continue to respond to the call of our bishops and vestry, Canon Stephen, the Vicar, will lead two conversations on Anti-Black Racism on Wednesday, November 3 at 11:00am and again at 7:00pm. He will lead us the conversation “How Black people became invisible and how the Church can begin to see them!”

If you would like to receive the link to join either session, please email info@stjamescathedral.ca no later than November 3 at 4:00pm.

For preparation, please read the following documents:=

  • “A Charter for Racial Justice in the Anglican Church of Canada” at


  • Our own house is not in order: The joint statement from the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada on Racism” at


  • The Joint letter from the Leaders of the Anglican Church of Canada, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and The United Church of Canada at



Vestry 2022 – Nominating Process

St. James Cathedral’s Annual Vestry meeting is currently scheduled for Sunday, March 13, 2022. During the first week of January, the Nominating Committee, which consists of well-known members of the congregation (former elected representatives, committee members, Cathedral leaders) will request nominations for People’s Warden, Deputy People’s Warden (please see point 5), Cathedral Council Members-at-large (called “Advisory Board” Members by the Diocese) and Lay members of Synod (please see point 3) (all one-year terms with opportunity for renewal for 3 years). Nominations require a nominator, a seconder and the agreement of the nominees to let their names stand.

The request for nominations will be posted in E-Connections and included in the Sunday service leaflet. Likewise, Parishioners will be invited by the Nominating Committee to attend an information meeting for those who wish to find out more about the nominating process for Vestry Elections and the work of the Cathedral Council and Synod.

The Nominating Committee will then produce a recommended slate for Vestry that considers necessary experience and skill and is representative of the congregation. The process for choosing the slate will start by asking current eligible representatives if they are willing to stand for re-election. Next, all nominations from the congregation will be considered.

As always, the Vestry Chair will ask for nominations from the floor on the day of the Vestry meeting.  All eligible nominations will be accepted.

Feel free to email me at roberthart2@icloud.com if you have questions in advance of the information meeting.

Bob Hart
Chair, Nominating Committee


From the Refugee Committee – Afghan Refugee Support

On October 16, about thirty people joined the St James and Community Refugee Committee’s successful fundraising walk in the only nice weather of a rainy weekend. We have raised over $15,000, well past our $10,000 goal. Many of the committee, former refugees, colleagues, and friends enjoyed the outing in the ravines of Edward’s Gardens.

Meanwhile, like many other groups, we await the arrival of refugee families under the aegis of AURA, (Anglican-United Refugee Assistance) to receive our first Afghan family. We will ask to help a family that is particularly high risk and needs more care, just as we did with the last family.

This is as serious a crisis as the Syrian wave over five years ago. Once the government begins processing the Afghan refugees we will be working flat out, and getting ready to receive a second family. Please consider joining our ranks for some of the most rewarding, important volunteer work you will ever find.

Please contact our chair, David Crawford at dcrawford@fragomen.com to discuss volunteer opportunities.


Music Note – Virtual Hymns 

We are most grateful to Irene Courage for the weekly presentation of Virtual Hymns, from the summer of 2020 until this past week. Through these gatherings she has enabled parishioners to sing numerous much-loved hymns, pray and talk together at a time when it was impossible to do so in person. Thank you, Irene, for your gifts coordinating these hymns. 

Our thanks are also extended to Mekhriban Mamedova, The Reverend Pearce J. Carefoote, Joshua McFaul, Norman Martin, and David Simon for their generous musical support.



Diocesan Archivist, Claire Wilton, has been gathering material for a major collection for the Diocesan Archives on the pandemic and how the Church has been meeting challenges faced, making its presence felt, and the way it has shown leadership across the community during this time. It is not too late to contribute and share your experiences of difficulties you may have faced, strength found, support received, personal growth, friends made, and educational opportunities and resources available. If you would like to add your experiences to this COVID Collection, you can forward your submission to Claire Wilton at the Diocesan Archives via e-mail: cwilton@toronto.anglican.ca. You can also contact Nancy Mallett if you have any questions at 416-920-1965 or by email at nancyemallett@gmail.com. The collection will be of incredible value for future researchers and may include a possible exhibit.

Possible Exhibit: Objects form an important part of any exhibit and we are gathering a number of photographs, newspaper clippings, signage, background artifacts and masks – including masks, for example, with a Diocese of Toronto logo or masks carrying special messages or masks from different countries.

Please be in touch if you have further ideas and input for the collection. And a special thanks to those who have already contributed, or are in the process!


PWRDF – Christmas Cards 2021 

Our Canadian Anglican Church Agency for sustainable development and relief, The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), continues to support national and international communities needing help as it has all through the pandemic. Working with trusted partner agencies on the ground around the world, it is involved with bringing humanitarian relief to disaster areas as well as long term commitments to empowering women, food security, preventative health, supporting refugees and Indigenous programs. Please continue to support the work of PWRDF with your donations, and purchases from the new 2021 World of Gifts Catalogue and Christmas Cards. Details at the website pwrdf.org, email pwrdf@pwrdf.org or phone 416 924 9192.


From the Health Council – Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Vaccination

Flu season is here, and experts are warning it may be worse than the flu season in 2020.  Anyone can catch the flu.  Protect yourself – and others – by learning about the virus and recognizing the symptoms:

Selected Health Promotion Events

For your information, the following selected events will take place in November:



Requiem Eucharist – Wednesday, October 27 at 12:15pm

There will be a Requiem Eucharist for Geoffrey Forshaw at the midday service today, Wednesday, October 27 at 12:15pm. No need to register but we’ll have a sign-in sheet when you arrive.


Virtual Organ Recital

Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 1:00pm via the Cathedral Choir Facebook page
Organist: Robert Pecksmith (Assistant Organist, St James Cathedral)


All Souls Service

Saturday, November 6, 2021 at 11:00am –
A Service to Commemorate Our Departed Loved Ones

This year’s service will be held at the Cathedral once again. Join us as we gather for this service of Holy Eucharist to remember those who have died. We will not be putting out a binder this year for parishioners to add names to, due to current conditions. Names of the deceased to be read aloud during the liturgy can be emailed to info@stjamescathedral.ca or called in to the clergy extension at 416-364-7865, ext. *232. Attendees will be required to register for this service. Register on our website at stjamescathedral.ca/allsouls/. Please register for the service and submit names no later than Friday, November 5 at 12noon.

Sunday, November 7, 2021 at 10:15am –
Service of Remembrance

On Sunday November 7, a brief service of Remembrance will be held at the Memorial Cross on the west lawn of the Cathedral at 10:15am. All are welcome.



Weekday Services at the Cathedral=

Morning Prayer

Monday to Friday: 8am in person also live-streamed on our YouTube channel)
Morning Prayer will also be posted online only on our YouTube channel on Saturday at 8:00am.


Holy Eucharist
Monday & Friday: 12:15pm
Tues & Thurs: 8:30am
Wed: 9:30am (Snell Hall) & 12:15pm*

All services take place in the Cathedral’s Lady Chapel except as noted.
No need to pre-register, but we’ll have a sign-in sheet when you arrive.



Join us for in-person services at 8:00am, 9:00am and 11:00am.
Registration is required and is available on our website here.
You do not need to register for the 8:00am service; instead, there will be a sign-in sheet when you arrive.
The 11:00am service will continue to be live-streamed on the Diocesan YouTube channel. 

Both in-person and virtual Coffee Hours are suspended for the time being, but please say hello on the West Lawn as you leave!

Sermon Discussion Group on Zoom with The Reverend Dr. David Danner, one of our Honorary Assistants: Mondays at 10:00am; email the office to receive the link.


Financial Stewardship  

We are exceedingly grateful to those of you who continue to support us financially. If you would like to make a donation, here are the ways to do that:

  • Mail a cheque to 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2E9.
  • Use the ‘Donate’ button on our website.
  • You can now hand-deliver your offerings to the Cathedral Centre: A secure mailbox has been mounted in the Church Street vestibule at the entrance of the doors at 65 Church Street. The doors are open from 9:00am – 4:00pm, Monday – Friday.
  • Sign up for Pre-Authorized monthly giving, thus ensuring a vital stream of income for the Cathedral. Please note that at any time you can stop or change the PAG amount by emailing the office.
  • Make a gift of securities (see details here).
  • We are delighted to have a QR code for donating electronically which you will find in all bulletins. Simply scan with your phone camera and donate! You can also donate here.

Staying Connected

We invite you to continue to link to the Cathedral’s website or Facebook page for updates, links to services, and opportunities for fellowship and learning. St. James relies on your faithfulness and generosity, for which we are very grateful. God bless you.

The Very Reverend Stephen Vail, Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto
Joan Peters & Jayne Hobbs, Wardens

Posted on: November 4th, 2021 by St. James Cathedral

The Cathedral Church of St James

106 King Street East, Toronto ON M5C 2E9 | Office & Mailing Address: 65 Church Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2E9
(416)364-7865 | info@stjamescathedral.ca

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