Sunday, December 1: Organ recital & Advent Lessons and Carols Service

Thank you for joining us for the Organ Recital and the Advent Lessons and Carols Service on Sunday, December 1.
Your presence helped make these events truly special as we entered this season of Advent together.
We hope the music, readings, and reflections enriched your experience and brought peace and joy to your heart.
Wishing you a blessed Advent season, and we look forward to seeing you at all of our upcoming Christmas services this year.

Click here for our Christmas schedule

From Darkness to Light:

Enter into the season of Advent with this seasonal favourite service of readings and music!

4:00pm: Organ Recital by Nathan Jeffery.

4:30pm: Advent Lessons and Carols Service.

Invite your family & friends.

Also live-streamed on the Cathedral YouTube channel. All are welcome!