A Christmas Message from the Dean

Dear Friends,

I had a friend and mentor, now deceased, who was so wise and intelligent that he was hand-picked by the Primate to sit on a theological commission that discussed important teachings and decisions for the worldwide Church.  I can remember being at a dinner party with him once when someone asked him what was the most important teaching of Christianity.  I figured he would say the Resurrection of Jesus, but he didn’t.  He said it was the Incarnation.

The Incarnation is what Christmas is all about.  It is the teaching that Jesus is God in human flesh.  The more I think about it, the more I see what my mentor meant.  The teaching, life, sacrifice, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth would have much less impact on the human condition and our understanding of God, life and ourselves if Jesus was just another holy man or teacher.  The fact that he is God among us changes everything, including how we understand ourselves and our place in the world.

You see, because God came into the world in human flesh it is essential that we, as Christians, understand ourselves as sent into the world to embody Christ and His mission.  We are his eyes, ears, hands, feet, and heart in a broken and suffering world.  In other words, we most truly celebrate Christmas, the Incarnation, when we live the Gospel of Jesus in the world and spread his love, compassion, peace, joy and hope.  Just imagine how our world would look if all Christians laid aside their own egos and agendas and selflessly lived Christ-like lives each and every day.  At its most fundamental level, being a Christian is not so much about what we believe but about how we live what we believe.

As we celebrate this season of great mystery and hope, I hope you will join us in our celebrations of worship either in-person or online.  As we do that, let us also recommit ourselves to our common vocation: to allow Christ to life in us and through us that the world may come to know the full impact of His grace and love.

Merry Christmas,

The Very Reverend Stephen Vail
Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto

Christmas at the Cathedral

Christmas Eve Services
4:30pm: A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols *(also live-streamed)
Preceded by an Organ Recital at 4:00pm
7:30pm: Choral Eucharist* (also live-streamed)

Christmas Day Services
8:00am: Said Eucharist
9:00am: Sung Eucharist
11:00am: Choral Eucharist *(also live-streamed)

Registration to attend any of our Christmas services is required and is open on our website here. Please note that some services may have reached registration capacity. Check back for cancellations or check another service for availability.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept walk-ins for the Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services.

*The Christmas Eve services and the 11:00am Christmas Day service will also be live-streamed on the Diocesan YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/tordio135