A Message from the Dean (March 30)

Monday, March 30, 2020

My Beloved Friends,

One of my colleagues recently remarked that church is busier now than when there was church. I am finding that to be true, but it’s a different kind of busy. Maybe what is happening is a different set of stresses, such as cyber meetings and live-streaming and feeling disconnected from a community you love. Your clergy are working away at calling each of you personally during this time, which amounts to more than 800 phone calls! Please be patient with us. I am so grateful to our staff and clergy for all they are doing to make this “for now” reality as seamless and meaningful as possible.

Since there is so much to communicate each week, two versions of E-Connections will be distributed weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. My thanks to Lisa, Arleane, and the Wardens for making this happen. Please also check the website regularly for posted updates, and follow us on Facebook if you have an account.

Here is the news for Monday, March 30:

  • Prayer Line: We have begun a new COVID-19 ministry at the Cathedral. The clergy will be available on a special prayer line three times a week. You may also leave a message at extension *232 to leave a prayer request at any time. We will incorporate those requests into our prayers. The schedule is as follows:
    • Mondays, 1:00-2:00pm: 416-364-7865; ext *232
    • Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00pm: 416-364-7865; ext *232
    • Fridays, 1:00-2:00pm: 416-824-3109
      Please note: The Friday number given previously was incorrect. Please use this number.
  • Worship: Until further notice, the Bishop has suspended corporate worship, and new government restrictions mean that only 5 people may be present in the chancel at a time. This changes the worship we are able to stream to you on Sundays, but we will do our best to make it inspiring and meaningful for you in this holy season and in these uncertain times. Worship is available on Sundays at 11:00am on the Diocesan Facebook page (you don’t need an account to watch). You may wish to print the Sunday bulletin in advance from our website in order to follow along. We also have Morning Prayer services daily in English and Mandarin. Fr. Andrew MacDonald is working on Stations of the Cross for Holy Week, and the Vicar has posted helpful videos on praying at home. The Holy Week schedule will be finalized next week as the situation continues to unfold.
  • Meetings and Gatherings: We announced a few weeks ago that ALL in-person meetings and gatherings at the Cathedral are suspended until further notice. That said, some groups are continuing their meetings through telephone or video conferencing. If you have a question about a group or committee you are involved in, please contact the leader or chair for the latest information.
  • Finances: Bishop Andrew Asbil circulated a letter communicating plans for financial relief for parishes in the next two months. This is welcome news, since we are currently operating at less than 10% of our normal income. Picture what that would be like in your household and you get a sense of the stress your leadership is under. My thanks to our Executive Director, Wardens, Property Manager, and support staff at this time! I also want to thank those of you who have increased your regular giving or made one-time gifts to help us through this crisis. We will get through this together and, although it is uncertain what we will look like when it is all over, I am certain that our community spirit and connectedness will be stronger as a result.

Every day, I sit in my living room and say prayers while looking at the north end of the Cathedral. The bells still toll, but it is strange to know the building is empty and it is not business as usual. For me, the worst part of the COVID-19 crisis so far is not seeing you. I miss you, I pray for you, I am here for you, and I long for the time when we can raise our voices together in worship again and enjoy the fellowship of this beautiful community of believers.

God bless you,

The Very Reverend Stephen Vail
Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto