Lap One: Complete
“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12: 1)
July 28 marked the first anniversary of my time with you as Dean of the Cathedral. As I looked back over the past twelve months that day, I was strangely reminded of some of my son’s video games. He spends a fair bit of time playing car racing games. Many of them involve a multitude of choices for courses or tracks. When he starts a new one, he is not aware of the terrain or twists and turns. But he still presses the virtual accelerator and does his best to win the race.
I am not trying to win a race, except for the race of faith The Letter to the Hebrews speaks of, but those games resonate quite a bit with the experience of my first year. There have been many twists, turns and surprises as I have learned the “terrain” of life and ministry of the Cathedral. Some have been somewhat expected and others complete surprises. Some have been welcome and others real struggles. Who, for instance, could have predicted that my first year would involve a global pandemic, the departure of some key leadership position holders, and strictly virtual worship all while trying to hold it together on less than 10% of our normal income stream?
The news of the last year hasn’t always been welcome, but the Good News is that we are making it, that God is with us, and that we are moving forward in faith! I am so grateful to our talented and dedicated staff, clergy and lay volunteers. They have been working so hard and selflessly to help the Cathedral through this historic and challenging time. I am also grateful for the generosity of our Diocese and Federal Government, whose grants and expense waivers have made it possible for us to weather the financial storm (see the financial update below). I am also deeply grateful to our Cathedral members, who have kept their giving up or made some decisions in their lives to make extra donations that have allowed us to stay afloat. I don’t know if you realize this but you have played a role in the history of this historic place. We are making it because of you and you have my deepest gratitude.
There is a new lap in front of us that will bring a new set of twists and turns. On September 13, God willing, we will open our doors again for public worship. We will let you know more about what that will look like after the middle of August when the Diocese sends out additional protocols. In the meantime, you can see what is already posted here.
We have a great team of staff and leaders here at St. James, and it is a privilege to serve such a passionate community. I love being in the race with you and I am grateful that I do not run alone. God bless you.
Dean Stephen+
The following reflects the financial position of St. James from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020.
- Offerings include a number of one-time gifts, including one in the range of $50,000.
- Cemetery income was adversely affected by the shutdowns of the crematorium in the first few months of 2020.
- Rental income began the year slow and was discontinued in mid-March due to Covid-19.
- Investment income is accrued quarterly, currently at 75% of budget. Adjustments to actual are made on an annual basis.
- Other income includes the Bishop Snell Foundation grant and the Mandarin Ministry grant from the Diocese.
- In addition to the above, the Cathedral received $94,000 in bequests in the first half of the year.
- $444,225 of special purpose funding was used in the first half. The majority of this was for the Lighting Project, which is being paid for entirely with donated funds.
- Expenditures are down in nearly every department due to cost saving measures taken in response to the pandemic.
- The Cathedral has applied for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, with the amount received to date indicated above.
- The Diocesan Jubilee provided the Cathedral with 3 months of relief from paying allotment and clergy expenses.
It is only through your generosity and faithful stewardship that St. James can continue to meet its financial challenges ahead. Thank you to those who have continued to send monthly donations. If you have yet to do so, please consider sending donations by cheque to 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2E9 or by using the ‘Donate’ button on our website. In 2019 we implemented a cyber-security program to maintain the security of your personal and financial data.
We also encourage you to sign up for Pre-Authorized Monthly Giving, thus ensuring a vital stream of income for the Cathedral. Please note that at any time you can stop or change the PAG amount by emailing the office.
Members of the Visioning Steering Group met this week to review the responses from the first parishioner visioning meetings and determine the next step forward in the visioning process.
Group members would like to invite parishioners who were not able to join in the Zoom meetings to participate in this part of the process by sending in their responses to the following questions:
- What is your personal best experience of ministry during Covid-19?
- What have you been doing to feed your spirit? What is new, what are you learning that you want to continue?
- What might you have taken for granted or undervalued before about St. James that you hold greater value for now? What feels superfluous?
- Given what we might have been through as the Cathedral community over the last few months, what is the greatest thing St. James has to offer people? What is our greatest asset?
Please email your responses by August 15, 2020 to or mail them to St. James Cathedral, 65 Church Street, Toronto, ON, M5C 2E9, Attention: Wardens.
It is hoped, as the Cathedral is planning to reopen in September, that the next step in the visioning process will be an in-person meeting at the Cathedral Centre.
As parishioners, we encourage you to participate in the visioning process as we have a new Dean, will need a new Vicar, and will be starting recovery from the negative effects of the pandemic with limited resources. In addition, the needs of our community have greatly changed around us during this last while. This is a crucial time to identify what is important to us and how we will move forward in our vocation as a Christian community, as our human, property, and financial resources allow. In many ways, we are tasked with something close to rebuilding, so much has changed.
Education for Ministry, the program for all who are interested in knowing more about Christian history, Scriptures, theology, and interfaith dialogue, has space left for this year’s seminar group. The group continues to meet by Zoom until it is safe to resume face to face sessions in the Cathedral Centre Board Room. To learn more, see the EFM page on the St. James Cathedral website here, EFM Canada’s website here, or contact Carol at You can also register with Carol. EFM is a great way, especially during our time of separation, to deepen your faith and keep in touch with others.
In February 2020, when Nancy Mallett retired, the Cathedral Archives amalgamated with the Diocese Archives, under the leadership of Archivist Claire Wilton. Claire is presently documenting the Diocesan response on the COVID-19 pandemic and is requesting parishes in the Diocese gather and send her their information on how they are coping during this time in the church’s journey.
Claire has asked Nancy Mallett, who has been volunteering with the Diocese Archives since her retirement, to coordinate the collection of materials for St. James Cathedral. Nancy is hoping to hear from a cross section of age groups and looks forward to any material coming in from children. The material may include documents, stories, poetry, works of art, photographs, videos and virtual responses such as services, meetings, and social media website sharing. Please send your information to Nancy at
The Cathedral lighting photos that were shared in last week’s edition of E-Connections are credited to Ian Morrison and David Crawford. We apologize for the confusion.
Our next E-Connections will be published the week of August 9. We invite you to continue to link to the Cathedral’s website or Facebook page for updates, Morning Prayer, service listings and inspirational messages. Thank you for your love and support during this period in the life of St. James. Please remember, you are not alone.
Blessings and peace to you all,
The Very Reverend Stephen Vail, Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto
Don Solomon & Jayne Hobbs, Wardens