Dear Friends,
Last week we reported that the Diocese of Toronto has announced that churches will not reopen for worship before September. This may not be the news many of us wanted to hear, but it is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. In preparation, the Dean has struck a Reopening Working Group to prepare for the resumption of worship services. Members of this group are: The Dean, Joyce Badley, Jim Kotsifas, Emile Rhinelander, Jayne Hobbs, Paul Seddon, Bob Simpson, Yosola Adeoye, Fr. James Liu, Fr. Andrew MacDonald, David Simon, Roger Pearce, David Grant, and Rob Haines.
What the services will look like has not yet been determined. Once we have received the reopening protocols from the Bishop’s Office, which all parishes must implement, we will be able to share with you information regarding public worship practices in September. In the meantime, please continue to tune into our livestream Sunday services as well as Tuesday and Thursday Morning Prayer.
Dean Stephen Vail will be on vacation from June 23 – July 24. During that time Fr. Andrew MacDonald will be priest in charge. If you have any questions or concerns during the Dean’s vacation, please contact Fr. Andrew for pastoral matters ( and Warden Jayne Hobbs for other matters ( Thank you!
VISIONING EXERCISE: Last chance to sign up for the initial conversations!
Shortly, parishioners of St. James Cathedral will be meeting in small Zoom groups to discuss the first round of exploratory questions regarding the Cathedral’s core values, visions, and goals. Thank you to those who have signed up.
As parishioners, it is important that you participate, in light of the facts that we have a new Dean, will need a new Vicar, and will be starting recovery from the negative effects of the pandemic with limited resources. In addition, the needs of our community have greatly changed around us during this last while. This is a crucial time to identify what is important to us and how we will move forward in our vocation as a Christian community, as our human, property and financial resources allow. In many ways, we are tasked with something close to rebuilding, so much has changed.
To sign up, please email Carol and Ed ASAP at
Please note that for the month of July, E-Connections will be sent on July 8, 22 and 29. There will be no E-Connections on July 1 or July 15.
Burial lot sales are starting to trickle in. The recently repaired south retort equipment is functioning well. As a result, cremations are continuing to pick up, as our customers are coming back. The development of a smoke dispersion model is progressing, and we are hopeful it will produce a result that will permit us to continue in operation until the installation of new equipment.
Work on a smoke dispersion model based on proposed new equipment is also underway. We recently provided additional information regarding our HVAC system for incorporation into the model by our consultant.
A price for new cremation equipment is expected from our preferred supplier within days. ERA Architects, our heritage architecture consultant, has met with our cemetery consultant and is developing proposals for architectural work to accommodate the cremation equipment.
The following is an update and the next steps in finalizing the project:
- The lighting fixtures have been installed and the designer is coming from Ottawa this week to aim the lights. Once this is done, the lifts and cranes will be removed from the site.
- Next, the lights will be programmed, and the Property staff will be briefed on their operations.
- Existing fixtures at ground level will be demolished and the new fixtures will be switched on to ensure seamless lighting for security.
- Project close-out documentation will be provided.
- The system is expected to be fully functional by Canada Day.
- We are considering having the existing bases converted to power outlets for use during outdoor events.
- An inauguration event will take place when conditions permit.
- This project is entirely funded by a private donor and the City of Toronto.
- The new lighting fixtures are durable and energy efficient LED’s.
- We are also considering other measures to improve security around the building.
Summer generally marks a lower attendance and donation season at St. James, due to vacations and the warmer weather. This summer, we are dealing with the additional challenges of the pandemic.
As we prepare to reopen the Cathedral’s doors in September, we need your help to meet the financial challenges ahead. Donations are now our main source of income, as events have momentarily ceased, investment income is down, and the cemetery is slowly recovering from a period of brokenness. Thank you to those who have continued to send their monthly donations. If you have yet to do so, please consider sending donations by cheque to 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2E9 or by using the ‘Donate’ button on our website. In 2019 we implemented a cyber-security program to maintain the security of your personal and financial data.
We also encourage you to sign up for Pre-Authorized Monthly Giving, thus ensuring a vital stream of income for the Cathedral. Please note that at any time you can stop or change the PAG amount by emailing the office.
Thank you for your love and support during this period in the life of St. James. We invite you to continue to link to the Cathedral’s website or Facebook page for updates, Morning Prayer, service listings and inspirational messages. Please remember, you are not alone.
Blessings and peace to you all,
Dean Stephen and Wardens Don & Jayne