Diocese of Toronto | Anglican Church of Canada

A Message from the Dean & Wardens (June 3)

Dear Friends,


Agatha Christie was a prolific and well-loved mystery writer. Many of her stories have been the subject of plays, movies and television adaptations. Who can forget Joan Hickson as Miss Marple! One of Ms. Christie’s more famous stories was, “And Then There Were None”.  It is a nail-biter involving the death of guests invited mysteriously to a mansion off the English coast. The number of guests slowly diminishes, by murder of course, until there are none.

At St. James, we are in a situation we might entitle, “And Then There Was One” – without the crime! We are so accustomed to having three full-time clergy at our disposal and all that means to facilitating vibrant and active ministry. The reality, for now, is that we are down to one. The Dean is on his own for much of June, Fr. Andrew will be on his own for July, and then the Dean will be on his own again for August and September.

It is wonderful to have such amazing volunteers, staff and Honorary Assistants to help make ministry happen. But to continue the usual level of contact and activity is not possible.  During this time, we ask that members be both realistic and patient about what one individual can accomplish in trying to juggle the responsibilities of three roles. Also, please pray for the staff, clergy and Cathedral members as we continue to wait out this pandemic and the sometimes frustrating restrictions it brings.

One more word about that: The Metropolitan of Ontario, Archbishop Anne Germond, released a statement on June 1 that included the following:

“…regardless of where the Government of Ontario is with its reopening plan, our churches will not be reopening for in-person worship until at least September. This decision was made in consultation with public health experts as well as our diocesan executive officers and chancellors, with the well-being and safety of all our parishioners and the communities we serve uppermost in our hearts and minds.”

“…in the coming weeks we will be releasing a one-page framework document which will outline the cautious three-stage measured approach we as Anglicans in the ecclesiastical province of Ontario will undertake collectively as pandemic conditions in our communities warrant the eventual safe reopening of our church buildings.”

Read Archbishop’s Anne full statement here.

In the meantime, we hope you are enjoying our weekly, online Sunday services as well as Morning Prayer on Tuesdays and Thursdays.



It is with a mix of sadness and joy that we announce that our receptionist, Wendy Pappas, has decided to retire – sadness because she will be deeply missed, and joy that she is looking forward to her future endeavours. We regret that Wendy will not be present to say goodbye in person. Please send your farewell cards to the attention of Wendy Pappas at St. James Cathedral, 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2E9 and we will pass them along to her.

 Reflections from Wendy

 After 13 years in my dream job, surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses, I am pleased to announce my

retirement. I have truly been at home at the Front Desk of St. James former Parish House and latter Cathedral Centre.

What a pleasure it has been to assist with the liturgies, the committee volunteer activities and the administration. How blessed were we to have a Cathedral offering worship services every day of the year!

Dear to my heart were the Tuesday Drop-In, the Friday Foot Clinic, the Altar Guild, bygone meetings of Gays, Lesbians and Friends and Christmas Food Drives, the exuberant Choirs, Christmas leaflet stuffing,  the superb dedication of the Lay Readers and especially the York Group.

I have fond memories of Epiphany dinners, art fairs, book launches, educational lectures you could never get in school, vestry meetings and world class concerts (and there’s more, I’m sure). I remember a recent special evening with Trinity College to honour John Strachan. I recall all our ladies decked out in millinery for the royal visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip in 2010. There were wondrous exhibits, too many to mention – but Sacred Stitches comes to mind, and the international Crèche Convention at the Royal York Hotel, both arranged by Archivist Nancy Mallett, foremost educator and faithful friend.

I have been blessed with excellent bosses, patient, kind and articulate: Kerry Dickson, Rob Saffrey and Joyce Badley.

Great bookkeepers I worked with include Christy Mariyanayagam, Carmen Schultz and Jennifer Wang. I waltzed through my time with our hospitality volunteer Ernie Chamberlain, followed on staff by Mark Raab. I am grateful to our venue rental staff, Lucia Al-Zaiatova and Nathan McNeil; and in the Dean’s office, Joanne Spence followed by inimitable Lisa Scapillato. I admire the good work of Gloria Wiebe, Lanadee Lampman, Kathy Biasi and Andrew Kuhl. And looking way back, I remember with love our volunteer Elsa Bushe-Christopher.

The Front Desk relied solidly on Property Staff, too numerous to mention in full. But let me thank Emile Rhinelander, Jim Kotsifas, and all the sextons especially those I’ve known the longest Alexey Alexeyev, Attila Kiralyfalvy and Gilbert Salaam.

I was privileged to serve many curates and priests. I can’t mention them all but let me point out a few in no particular order – the formidably educated yet thoroughly approachable Lisa Wang; the consummate liturgist our Vicar David Brinton (remember Archbishop Finlay’s funeral?); Dean Douglas Stoute who brought us the Cathedral Centre; David Hoopes of the Holy Cross Priory who is Father of the Drop-In; David Bousfield, faithful visitor of the sick, burier of the dead and provider of the best novels; Bill Watson, charming and ever faithful; James Liu and Morning Wang who brought us classic Mandarin culture (their calligraphy hangs on my wall).  In this last while, we were blessed with first Bishop Andrew Asbil, then Vicar Louise Peters, Dean Stephen Vail and Andrew MacDonald, soon to deserve his own parish. And Walter Hannam, keeper of the high ancient traditions and beloved patron of Regent Park. Lastly Leigh Kern who taught me so much about art and indigenous justice. For one of the reasons I’ve wanted most urgently to serve the Anglican Church is our honest grappling with the history of colonial oppression of our first nations and our subsequent efforts at a sacred Truth and Reconciliation.

Music Directors and Organists were always delightful personalities to encounter.  I’ve had the privilege of knowing Michael Bloss, Andrew Ager, Vicki St. Pierre, Andrew Adair, David Briggs, Ian Sadler, (David Simon, Patrick McElcheran) and Robert Busiakiewicz, all distinguished professionals and unique individuals. These were glory days when our Cathedral Choir was arguably the best in the world, and the parish choir often nearly as good. I pray they will be so again in the future.

And let me mention seamstress Ronwen Guest, the longest standing staff member. She has been at the Cathedral over 30 years, diligently laundering the vestments.

Of our talented Churchwardens, all were a joy to work with, I won’t mention everyone but particularly helpful to me in recent years were Angela Carroll and then Jayne Hobbs. 

I was honoured to be the ‘face’ of the Cathedral, and the ‘voice’ on the telephone for so long, but the very heart and soul of the Cathedral is its parishioners. I won’t name any names here but I number so many of you among my close friends. I was constantly showered with gifts – orchids, wine, clothing, cookies, chocolate, whole meals, home baked goods, special teas, art work, photographs, bouquets, you name it. But especially you surrounded me with your loving presence as the body of Christ, I was basking in the communion of saints.

I thank you all for this precious time.




On June 7, Fr. Bill Watson was scheduled to be at the altar to celebrate in thanksgiving for the 60th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. What a tremendous milestone!  Unfortunately, that won’t be happening, much to his disappointment and ours. Please pray for Fr. Bill that day. We are so grateful for his faithful ministry and love for this place. The feeling is mutual!



 It is great to see so many familiar faces and to chat about the Sunday sermon and our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ at our Zoom coffee and discussion meetings, which take place Mondays at 10:00am. It is not too late to be part of this group. To register, contact the office. The only pre-requisite is to watch the Sunday morning service at some point prior to the discussion gathering.



We are moving ahead with the first round of discussion groups regarding who we are, who God is calling us to be, and connecting these two things into a vision for the future. These discussions will take place by Zoom meeting or conference call—your choice. To be part of this exciting exercise, please register by email with Carol and Ed at mckysel@gmail.com.



More than 30 cremations have been completed under temporary authorization from MECP since repairs to the south retort were undertaken. The results of smoke dispersion modeling will determine whether we can continue cremations until we replace our retorts. The planning for the replacement project is progressing. We are awaiting preliminary pricing from a preferred equipment supplier based on their initial investigation, but final design and pricing will be determined by the architect and building limitations. Other revenue-generating projects unrelated to cremations are also being developed.



The lighting contractor returned to work last week. High-level lights are now being installed on the Cathedral from a lift. We expect completion around the end of June and will then benefit from the additional lighting for security. The system is also decorative, and we are giving thought to an inauguration of it later in the year when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Over time, many have contributed to making new lighting a reality and we wish to recognize them. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. This project is being funded by a private donor and the City of Toronto and comes at no cost to St. James.


Since the onset of the pandemic, the Drop-In, under the supervision of our Outreach Manager, Kathy Biasi, has been providing takeout meals to our guests on Tuesdays and Fridays. We thank Kathy and our faithful volunteers for their devotion and hard work. Once the emergency is over and we are allowed to transition from takeout to sit down meals and fellowship, the Drop-In will reopen on Fridays, instead of Tuesdays. Due to the stresses and constraints caused by the pandemic, it is necessary to adjust to our new reality by accommodating future scheduling needs. In all likelihood, the transition will not be in the near future. The Bishop will let us know when such ministries in the Diocese can reopen and the Diocese will provide the necessary protocols to follow.



 Our remaining property staff are taking advantage of the lull in routine activity to perform projects. These include high-level dusting, deep cleaning of all contact surfaces and a re-organization of the crypt, something which has not been undertaken in many years.



 Thank you to all who have signed up for Pre-Authorized Giving and monthly donations online. The substantial increase is helping us plan for the new norm to come. We are also grateful to those who have made special contributions to help us see our way through these challenging times, and to our faithful parishioners who continue to send in their donations on a regular basis.

If you have yet to do so, please consider sending donations by cheque to 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2E9 or by using the “Donate” button on our web page. In 2019 we implemented a cyber-security program to maintain the security of your personal and financial data.

We also encourage you to sign up for Pre-Authorized Monthly Giving, thus insuring a vital stream of income for the Cathedral. Please note, that at any time you can stop or change the PAG amount by emailing the office.



 Thank you for your love and support during this period in the life of St. James. We invite you to continue to link to the Cathedral’s website and Facebook for updates, Morning Prayer, service listings and inspirational messages. Please remember, you are not alone.

Blessings and peace to you all,
Dean Stephen and Wardens Don & Jayne

Posted on: June 3rd, 2020 by St. James Cathedral

The Cathedral Church of St James

106 King Street East, Toronto ON M5C 2E9 | Office & Mailing Address: 65 Church Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2E9
(416)364-7865 | info@stjamescathedral.ca

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