Dear Friends,
This Friday marks Vicar Louise’s last day with the Cathedral. We wish Louise and her husband every blessing on their return to British Columbia, where he will be taking on a new ministry.
From the minute Louise arrived in Toronto on August 12, 2017 and started her ministry with the Cathedral on August 15, 2017, we knew that she was the Vicar needed to establish effective leadership of a congregation and staff who were dealing with a whirlwind of change after years of stability under well-loved clergy. With her down-to-earth approach and her interest in the details of operational and congregational life, she won our trust. We quickly came to depend on her.
Louise will be remembered for continuing a tradition of beauty in worship at St. James and her effective use of the arts — poetry, music and yes, theatre — to help worshippers connect during our services.
Although Louise moved half-way across the country to be St. James Cathedral’s Vicar, she did not balk at the challenge of taking over as the Cathedral’s Interim Priest-in-Charge when the Dean’s office became vacant. Parishioners were so pleased that the Bishop chose to appoint Louise, rather than an outsider. St. James will forever be in Louise’s debt for stepping up and providing leadership when it was truly needed. Louise will deeply be missed.
Thank you to all who sent memories and pictures for Louise’s Book of Memories.
We are grateful to the team of eight Lay Pastoral Visitors who worked with our clergy team over the past several weeks, reaching out to make check-in phone calls to most of our community. Though we can’t be together physically, this ministry has helped keep the spiritual unity of our Cathedral strong, and the prayer life of our parish active. If you were not contacted by one of the clergy or lay volunteers, it may be because we did not have an accurate phone number for you. Even so, please know that the clergy are available by phone or email if you have any need for prayer or pastoral care during this time. And once again, thank you to our Lay Pastoral Visitors for their faithful ministry.
The Dean has often said that he is missing spending time with members of the Cathedral. So, until we resume something resembling normal, he will be having a weekly chat room with any of you who would like to join him. The gathering will take place by Zoom on Monday mornings at 10:00am beginning on May 25, with a weekly invitation to connect being sent to all who register. To register, please contact the office. Please come prepared to discuss Sunday’s sermon and anything else on your mind that may be of interest to the group.
We have added a virtual offering plate to our Sunday morning livestreams. Information on how to offer your weekly donation is available in the bulletin for each week, or you can simply use the Donate button onscreen during the Offering Hymn. If you already give by PAG, thank you!
With the departure of the Vicar on May 15, Morning Prayer will be offered on Tuesday and Thursday rather than Monday, Wednesday and Friday beginning on May 19. We hope you can join us! The service is posted at 8:00am on our Facebook page. Please note: we do not pray for the sick by name for privacy reasons, so feel free to add names during the periods of silence at these services and on Sundays.
Thank you for your love and support during this period in the life of St. James. We invite you to continue to link to the Cathedral’s website and Facebook page for updates, Morning Prayer, service listings and inspirational messages. Please remember, you are not alone.
Blessings and peace to you all,
Dean Stephen and Wardens Don & Jayne