A Message from Kathy Biasi, Outreach Manager
Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends and connecting with those we care about. We look at our lives and intentionally share our stories full of gratitude with those who matter to us. We choose to spend our limited and valuable time with those we love. At this time of year, we typically do this by inviting those people to share a meal made with great affection and care. The nourishment that is offered is not just for sustenance, but we hope it will afford some comfort and show both our strong sense of affection for them and our appreciation for everything that we have shared during our time together.
Food is a basic need that everyone shares. To have a full stomach allows us to feel balanced and able to make it through the challenges of the day. Sharing food is a gift that we offer to those who are not in a position to provide it for themselves. Over the last 26 years, the St. James Drop-In has offered that gift to community members that are in need of sustenance. It also creates a space that our guests can be comfortable in and where they can feel a strong sense of being cared for. The congregation, volunteers and staff have an opportunity to get to know the guests and many of us share an appreciation for the guests’ ability to build a community and share their life stories with us.
Once a person is comfortable with the space and the meals provided at the Drop-In, the next step is to explore the other services available. Presently, with Toronto in a State of Emergency because of the pandemic, our other services are currently limited to take-out meals twice a week; some emergency items such as warm clothing (winter coats, gloves, scarves); personal care items; the monthly Good Food Box Program that St. James subsidizes; distribution of water; and much more.
During this challenging time, there are many basic and health needs that are not being met for people who live on the street, those who are isolated, and for those of limited or no means that frequent the Downtown East area of Toronto. Outreach is starting to look at how basic needs and services may be offered to assist the guests with limited or no means that live in the area with their everyday lives. Issues include the lack of hand washing sinks, the limited availability of bathrooms for guest use, and Foot Care. These are everyday, basic needs that most of us do not have to worry about.
The Faith + HUB, which is the collaboration of St. James Cathedral, St. Michael’s Basilica, Metropolitan Untied Church and Sisters of St. Joseph/Fontbonne Ministries, will be looking to find ways to support people who live on the street and those who are isolated or with limited or no means that live in the Downtown East area of Toronto. The Field Team has been directed to start a new initiative to devise a plan to provide sustainable, safe Foot Care during this challenging time that will be inclusive and operate multiple days of the week and at multiple sites. When the plan is ready, we will be looking for volunteer Registered Nurses that might be interested in providing Foot Care. More will be shared when a feasible plan is ready to be implemented.
In this time of Thanksgiving, we do not want to forget to thank all those who have supported the Drop-In and continue to support the program during the pandemic. There are so many people who have had a hand in ensuring that the Drop-In continues to be actively involved in supporting the surrounding community needs. Thank you to the volunteers who come in regularly and those who have not been able to come in but are finding other ways to support it. I know you are keeping the Drop-In in your prayers. Thank you to the community members and agencies that give the extra support needed to continue to enhance our program with funds and in-kind gifts. Thank you to the Clergy and Wardens who are and continue to be the champions and advocates for the Drop-In. Last but not the least, I would like to thank the congregation – unsung heroes that have been there for years for this program.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and take care,
St. James Cathedral resumed in-person services as of Sunday, September 13.
Services take place at 8:00am, 9:00am and 11:00am.
The Mandarin Ministry service takes place at 1:30pm.
Seats are limited and registration is required.
Registration will be available on the Monday prior to the Sunday services each week.
Registration will close each week at 11:59pm Saturday.
Register for a Sunday service each week here.
Watch the live-stream of the 11:00am service here.
See a full outline of the Diocesan protocols for re-opening here;
and view the Diocesan’s re-opening video here.
On September 1, a dedicated email address was launched to answer questions you might have about re-opening. Send your questions to reopening@stjamescathedral.ca.
We are looking forward to seeing you!!
Even though the Cathedral is open on Sundays only for worship, the Cathedral Centre will remain closed until further notice. This is due to staffing limitations necessitated by our decreased revenues.
Please note that York Group meetings are suspended until further notice. They will start up again when the Cathedral Centre re-opens.
Anxiety, fear, and stress are normal responses when we are faced with uncertainty or the unknown so it’s normal that we may be experiencing increased anxiety in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. But it is still important to look after our mental health. As a reminder, the Health Council and Lay Pastoral Visiting page provides links to trusted resources providing support to individuals experiencing mental health issues.
For your information, Mental Illness Awareness Week is running this week, from October 4-10, with World Mental Health Day observed on October 10th.
Do you like to sing hymns? You are most welcome to sing with us over Zoom during Virtual Hymn Sing. We provide hymn tracks with organ or piano and voices. You can sing along in the privacy of your home. When we sing using Zoom we cannot hear one another. However, if you would like to add a track to our hymn tapes, we would be happy to provide you with instructions.
Virtual Hymn Sing sessions alternate between Tuesday evenings and Wednesday afternoons. Upcoming sessions will take place on Tuesday, October 13 at 7:30pm; Wednesday, October 21 at 3:30pm; and Tuesday, October 27 at 7:30pm.
Please email irenecourage105@gmail.com to receive a Zoom link. We send the links to all on the list and we will remove your name, if you send a request to be removed.
A weekly study of the lectionary Psalm will begin Monday, October 19 at 7:00pm. We’ll meet over Zoom on Monday evenings to reflect on the Psalm for the coming Sunday, and end at 8:00pm with a service for Compline. All are welcome, and if you’re not able to come to the Psalm study, but would like to join for Compline, that’s fine too! Please email Claire at clatimerdennis@stjamescathedral.ca for the Zoom link.
While children’s programming on Sundays is suspended for the time being, we still want to support families in the spiritual development of their little ones. If you have children or youth in your life and would like support with resources for prayer and learning at home, email Claire at clatimerdennis@stjamescathedral.ca.
Our annual All Souls Service to commemorate those who have died has been scheduled for Saturday, November 7 at 11:00am. Due to space limitations at the Chapel of St. James-the-Less, this year’s service will take place at the Cathedral. Names of the deceased to be read aloud during the liturgy can be emailed to info@stjamescathedral.ca or called in to the clergy extension at 416-364-7865, ext. *232. We will not be putting out a binder this year for parishioners to add names to, due to current conditions. Attendees will be required to register for this service. The registration portal will be up on the website on October 22, 2020. You can also register for the service by emailing info@stjamescathedral.ca or by calling 416-364-7865, ext. *232.
As you are aware, due to the pandemic and safety concerns, music has been severely restricted at the Cathedral and in faith communities as a whole. However, music still plays a crucial role at the Cathedral, not only in the context of future religious services and as a focal point in the civic life of the City, but in our hearts and souls as we worship and reach out with the love of Jesus Christ.
With this in mind, a Music Director Selection Committee has been established to search for a part-time Music Director who can function as both a Choir Director and Organist, as well as possess the skill to assist us with our future capital fundraising needs. A flexible starting date is an utmost requirement.
To date we have 30 national and international candidates. The Committee is now working with a short list of candidates, and will keep you updated as the process unfolds.
We are exceedingly grateful to those of you who continue to support us financially. Donations have become our main source of income, as events have momentarily ceased, investment income is down, and the cemetery is slowly recovering from a period of brokenness. If you would like to make a donation, here are the ways to do that:
- Mail a cheque to 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2E9.
- Use the ‘Donate’ button on our website.
- Sign up for Pre-Authorized monthly giving, thus ensuring a vital stream of income for the Cathedral. Please note that at any time you can stop or change the PAG amount by emailing the office.
- Make a gift of securities (see details here).
- Many have been asking how to donate electronically when attending worship. We are delighted to have a QR code for that purpose, which you will find in all future bulletins. Simply scan with your phone camera and donate! You can also donate here.
We invite you to continue to link to the Cathedral’s website or Facebook page for updates, Morning Prayer, service listings and inspirational messages. Thank you for your love and support during this period in the life of St. James. Please remember, you are not alone.
Blessings and peace to you all,
The Very Reverend Stephen Vail, Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto
Don Solomon & Jayne Hobbs, Wardens