Given the significance of re-opening plans for September 13, we thought we would repeat much of the information we provided in the last edition. We would ask that you please carefully read through the provided protocols, as most of your questions will be answered there.
On September 13, we will re-open for in-person worship at your Cathedral. For the first little while, we will only have the 8:00am, 9:00am and 11:00am services. The 1:30pm Mandarin service will also be starting on September 20. Each service will offer the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist with some restrictions and there will be no congregational singing or anointing for healing. Choral and congregational singing is not permitted at this time, so Evensong is postponed until further notice.
In order to attend a service, you must register. To register for a service on Sunday, September 13, go to our website here. Please note the Ordination of Deacons service at 4:30pm is a ticketed service. If you do not have a ticket, you cannot attend the service. The ordination service will however be live-streamed here.
It is imperative that people experiencing any symptoms or suspect they have been exposed to COVID-19 not attend in-person worship. Also, if your age or health mean you are more at risk, it is recommended that you remain at home. The 11:00am service will continue to be live-streamed here for the foreseeable future.
Please see the key information below, provided by our Health Council. You can also read the correspondence issued by the Diocese on August 19 here; see a full outline of the Diocesan protocols for re-opening here; and view the Diocesan’s re-opening video here.
Attendance Information
- Anyone with symptom(s) of COVID-19, even if they are mild, should stay home. You can take the COVID-19 self-assessment test available on the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 website.
- Space will be limited, so please register each week through the Eventbrite portal at Registration will be available on the Monday prior to the Sunday services. If you have no access to the Internet, please call Jayne Hobbs to register at 416-200-0070. Inquiries can also be directed to the Wardens as
- Persons who should consider virtual services include those with symptom(s) of COVID-19, even if they are mild, clinically vulnerable worshippers, especially those over 70, or those who are immuno-compromised.
- There will be no coffee hour; bring your own bottled water as drinking fountains will be turned off.
- Always follow floor/furniture markings, maintaining the two-metre distance with persons not in the same household.
- Please do not gather with others near the entrance, exit or anywhere inside or just outside of the Cathedral.
- Please note that the electric fans will not be used and handheld fans or fanning oneself with the bulletin is prohibited. Keep this in mind on hot days and consider online attendance if you mind the heat.
Arriving at the Cathedral Church of St. James
- Wear a non-medical face mask or face covering. Exemptions include children under the age of 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing or difficulty in managing face coverings without assistance. Disposable non-medical masks will be available at the welcome table.
- Enter through the Southwest Door and use the hand sanitizer (70-90% alcohol concentration).
- You will be asked to provide information for potential contact tracing.
- Only the main floor washroom near the pulpit will be available for use.
- Please note, you will be denied entry at the screening station if:
- You have any symptom(s) of COVID-19;
- You have travelled outside Canada in the past 14 days;
- You have come in close contact with a person with symptoms of COVID-19 or with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
- Avoid physical contact with others from different households. Greet each other with a smile, bow or wave, e.g., during exchange of the Peace.
- Offering boxes will be placed in the Cathedral for use instead of offering plates. Consider Pre-Authorized Giving or use the QR code provided in the bulletin for donations.
- Do not share your order of service leaflet with anyone.
- Practice good respiratory etiquette by coughing or sneezing into the elbow or use a tissue then discard the tissue in waste bin. Wash or sanitize your hands afterwards.
Eucharist: Individuals choosing to take communion should proceed as follows:
- Approach the communion station at the invitation of the sidesperson and use the hand sanitizer near the communion station prior to receiving the wafer.
- Follow the floor markings and stop 2 metres from the communion minister to hear the words, ‘The body of Christ.’ Respond with ‘Amen.’
- Move forward and cup your hands to receive the wafer into your palm and move to the marked location.
- Remove the elastic loop from around one of your ears or untie the strings from behind your head.
- Consume the wafer. Use the hand sanitizer prior to replacing your face mask. Return to your seat.
Leaving the Cathedral
- Leave the Cathedral promptly through the West Door. Those with mobility concerns should wait until others have left and exit through the Southwest Door.
On September 1, a dedicated email address was launched to answer questions you might have about re-opening. Send your questions to
We are looking forward to seeing you!!
Even though the Cathedral will re-open on Sundays only for worship, the Cathedral Centre will remain closed until further notice. This is due to staffing limitations necessitated by our decreased revenues. You will notice that the gardens around the Centre are looking much better! We are grateful to our Gardening Guild for volunteering to enhance our curb appeal. Thank you!
After serving this Cathedral community for many years, Fr. David Bousfield has decided it is time to step down as Pastoral Associate. Fr. David loves this place and we love him! His faith, deep care for the saints of God, and devotion to the Church and Cathedral have been a source of grace to all of us. We are so grateful to him. He will retire from active ministry as of the end of September, when you will see him join his beloved Jean in the pews.
Fr. Andrew MacDonald is in the last weeks of his parental leave. We look forward to his return on September 29, and pray that these next few weeks with Martha and Beatrice will be a wonderful time for them all.
Although she is not yet clergy, Claire Latimer-Dennis has joined our ministry team. Claire is a delight and we are so blessed to have her join us. Once she is ordained in May, God willing, Claire will become our Assistant Curate. If you would like to say hello to Claire, her email address is Please note, Claire is handling pastoral care issues until Fr. Andrew returns, at which time they will share that ministry.
Please join us for a virtual hymn sing on Tuesday, September 15. We will meet for about one hour on Zoom, starting at 7:30pm. To obtain a link, please send an email to: We will send out our links late on September 14. If you do not get your link by Tuesday morning, please email again to remind us. Looking forward to singing together!
As we prepare to re-open the Cathedral’s doors, we are exceedingly grateful to those of you who continue to support us financially. Donations have become our main source of income, as events have momentarily ceased, investment income is down, and the cemetery is slowly recovering from a period of brokenness. If you would like to make a donation, here are the ways to do that:
- Mail a cheque to 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2E9.
- Use the ‘Donate’ button on our website.
- Sign up for Pre-Authorized monthly giving, thus ensuring a vital stream of income for the Cathedral. Please note that at any time you can stop or change the PAG amount by emailing the office.
- Make a gift of securities (see details here).
- Many have been asking how to donate electronically when attending worship. We are delighted to have a QR code for that purpose, which you will find in all future bulletins. Here it is! Simply scan with your phone camera and donate!
You can also donate here.
Our next E-Connections will be published the week of September 20. We invite you to continue to link to the Cathedral’s website or Facebook page for updates, Morning Prayer, service listings and inspirational messages. Thank you for your love and support during this period in the life of St. James. Please remember, you are not alone.
Blessings and peace to you all,
The Very Reverend Stephen Vail, Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto
Don Solomon & Jayne Hobbs, Wardens