A Message from The Reverend Andrew MacDonald (November 1)

Dear friends,

When I joined this wonderful community on All Saints Day two years ago, it quickly became a joy to be part of our shared work with God at the Cathedral, and to support the ministry here in a season of transition.

In recent days, I have been in conversation with Bishop Jenny Andison, who shared with me her desire to “second” me from the Cathedral for an indeterminate amount of time. The parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Toronto is now in a challenging season, and the Bishop has asked me to serve as  their interim priest-in-charge for a short but significant time in their life. After taking time for discernment and prayer, I have accepted the appointment.

Because of the uniqueness of this situation, my ministry at St. Mary’s will begin on November 16: and so today will be my last day at St. James for a while, so that I can take a brief time of rest.

It continues to be a great joy to serve Christ among you at the Cathedral, and once this new appointment is concluded, I look forward to seeing you again.

In faith,
Fr. Andrew