A Message Regarding the Suspension of In-Person Services

Dear Friends,

We received a communication from the Bishop’s Office indicating that churches across the Diocese will be closing for in-person worship due to rising COVID-19 numbers. (You can read the full message here.)

As of Monday, January 10, 2022, in-person worship will be suspended at the Cathedral. We will continue to live-stream Choral Eucharist with Spiritual Communion on Sundays at 11:00am in English via the Diocesan YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/tordio135 and the 1:30pm Mandarin service via the Cathedral YouTube channel at

There will be no in-person weekday services but we will offer Morning Prayer via Zoom at 10:00am weekdays. Please contact the Vicar at sfields@stjamescathedral.ca to receive the link for Morning Prayer, which will begin January 10. It will also be live-streamed via the Cathedral YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/c/stjamescathedraltoronto if you wish to watch it at a different time of day.

The Cathedral Centre will remain closed during this time.

These changes will remain in place until at least January 31, 2022. On that date, the Bishop will release an announcement regarding the lifting or extending of these changes.

May God bless you during these difficult times and please be assured of our ongoing prayers for you.

The Very Reverend Stephen Vail
Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto