Anniversary Service – Sunday, May 15 at 11:00am

This year we mark a special Anniversary year: 225 years of Anglican ministry in Toronto. There is something for everyone and we hope you will join us as we give thanks to God for our rich legacy and look ahead with hopeful anticipation.

It was in 1797 that the first Anglican priest, The Reverend Thomas Raddish, was called to York, as Toronto was called then. At that time, locations were determined for a market, a school, a hospital, and a church at our present location.

Since that time, there has been much to honour in our history – and much to learn from it. Over the course of the coming year, we will remember that, even before there was a dedicated physical building, there was a community of faithful people serving God and our neighbours.

God continues to call us, in these changing times, to share the good news in word and action. In the months ahead, there will be special services:

  • Sunday, May 15 at 11:00am: when we ask for God’s blessing on the city, and welcome former Dean, The Very Reverend Douglas Stoute who will preach and former Dean, The Very Reverend Duncan Abraham who will assist in the service,
  • June 19: when we pray God’s blessing on the land, and
  • July 31: Emancipation Sunday Celebration.

There will be other events, including Doors Open Toronto on May 28 & 29, the Blessing of the Animals on October 1, and musical concerts on the lawn during the summer. On Advent Sunday, November 27, there will be a Celebration of Light when we dedicate the lights that illumine the exterior of our cathedral.

We are grateful to Maurice Snelgrove for designing our 225th Anniversary logo.

Please join us as we celebrate 225 years of Anglican community and the life of St. James Cathedral, a symbol of God’s presence and love in the city. Our weekly E-Connections will be the best place to follow updates and upcoming events. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact, the Dean, Kate Uchendu, or the Vicar.

We look forward to greeting you!
Yours faithfully,
The Very Reverend Stephen Vail
Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto