We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Joyce Badley, CPA, CA, M.Div, ODT, as the Cathedral’s Executive Director, commencing September 23, 2019. She will be replacing Rob Saffrey, the current Director of Operations and Finance.

Joyce comes to us with over 30 years of experience as a Chartered Accountant in the charitable sector, having worked at Imagine Canada, the YMCA and most recently with St. Paul’s Bloor Street. She has also earned a Master of Divinity and was admitted to the Order of the Diocese of Toronto in 2018.
Fueled by her studies and experience, Joyce has a heart for urban ministry and for extending the reach of the Gospel to those living in the core of the city. Her primary ministry has been one of resource stewardship. She has worked in the area of governance and operational oversight; including finance, property, administration, communication, human resources, information technology, and stewardship.
Joyce’s volunteer experience has included serving as a Churchwarden, Treasurer, Communion Administrant, Sidesperson, Sunday school teacher, nursery supervisor, Chair of the Building and Restoration Committee, and member of the Stewardship, Property, Outreach, Investment, Governance, Audit and Finance, and Nominating Committees. She has served as Treasurer and a member of the Board of Trustees of Wycliffe College. At the Diocesan level she is a Lay Delegate to Synod, and has served in a number of capacities, including as Administrator of St. George by the Grange, and as a member of Executive Board, Diocesan Council, the Project Enabling and Monitoring Group, the Fiscal Framework and Budget Working Groups, the Inter-Diocesan Learning Community, and the Vestry Membership Working Group. She is a member of General Synod and the National Church’s Pensions and Finance Management Committees.
Born and raised in a small farming community in Northern Alberta, she obtained her undergraduate degree at the University of Alberta. After working in Edmonton and Australia she moved to Toronto where she met her husband Robert, a native of Barbados. They have two adult children.