Diocese of Toronto | Anglican Church of Canada


Sunday, August 23: Live-Stream Worship

The service on Sunday, August 23 will be live-streamed at 11:00am from the Cathedral. You can watch it on the Diocesan Facebook page here. (You don’t need an account to watch.) Virtual Service Leaflet (August 23)
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Sunday, August 16: Live-Stream Worship

The service on Sunday, August 16 will be live-streamed at 11:00am from the Cathedral. You can watch it on the Diocesan Facebook page here. (You don’t need an account to watch.) Virtual Service Leaflet (August 16)
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A Message from the Dean & Wardens (July 30)

Lap One: Complete “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race...
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Sunday, August 9: Live-Stream Worship

The service on Sunday, August 9 will be live-streamed at 11:00am from the Cathedral. You can watch it on the Diocesan Facebook page here. (You don’t need an account to watch.) Virtual service leaflet (August 9)
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Sunday, August 2: Live-Stream Worship

The service on Sunday, August 2 will be live-streamed at 11:00am from the Cathedral. You can watch it on the Diocesan Facebook page here. (You don’t need an account to watch.) Virtual service leaflet (August 2)
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Sunday, July 26: Live-Stream Worship

The service on Sunday, July 26 will be live-streamed at 11:00am from the Cathedral. You can watch it on the Diocesan Facebook page here. (You don’t need an account to watch.) Virtual service leaflet (July 26)
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Sunday, July 19: Live-Stream Worship

The service on Sunday, July 19 will be live-streamed at 11:00am from the Cathedral. You can watch it on the Diocesan Facebook page here. (You don’t need an account to watch.) Virtual Service Leaflet (July 19)
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The Cathedral Church of St James

106 King Street East, Toronto ON M5C 2E9 | Office & Mailing Address: 65 Church Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2E9
(416)364-7865 | info@stjamescathedral.ca

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