Dear Members of St. James Cathedral,
Late last evening Bishop Asbil sent a letter to the Diocese indicating measures all parishes should take in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The purpose of these measures is to protect the vulnerable members of society as well as slowing the spread of the virus.
Until further notice, all gatherings are cancelled at the Cathedral. This includes Sunday and weekday worship as well as events and in-person meetings. On Tuesday March 17, the Drop-In will be providing take-away food and the Foot Care Clinic is cancelled. I ask that you please share this news with anyone it might affect. I would also ask that you pray for those dealing with the crisis or suffering with the virus.
At the Cathedral, we are working on ways to bring worship and prayer into your homes. This will include links to prayer apps and sites as well as our own media options. I will send out another letter early next week once plans are in place to let you know what we will be doing. The Cathedral building will remain open during this time for people to pray and meditate privately.
The Bishop will be addressing the city and diocese in a live-streamed Choral Mattins tomorrow at 11:00am. Please tune into the Anglican Diocese of Toronto Facebook Page if you would like to participate. Attending in person is not an option due to the Bishop’s directive. Please see for how to tune into this service.
The full text of the Bishop’s letter is available here.
These are troubling times and many of you may feel vulnerable and alone. God is with us in all things, so personal prayer is very important at this time. Please know that your clergy are available to you if you need to talk. God bless you all,
In Christ,
The Very Reverend Stephen Vail
Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto