A Message from the Dean (March 16)

The light of God surrounds me,
The love of God enfolds me,
The power of God protects me,
The presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is.

– James Dillett Freeman


Dear Friends,

Many years ago, my spiritual director shared the above prayer with me. I was going through a difficult period of doubt, uncertainty and loss. I found the words immensely comforting, and I repeated them often through the day. I share them with you now because we have been through a lot of doubt, anxiety and uncertainty together as a community and society in the last week. To top it all off, even gathering together to find strength as the people of God united by the sacrament isn’t an option right now. We have only had one Sunday cancelled thus far, but I miss being with you already.

Sometimes we say that we are “with you in spirit” when we can’t be with someone in person. I am with you in spirit, and I gain comfort knowing you are with me as well and, even more profoundly, that the Almighty God of the Universe is with us. Thanks be to God!

As I write this, all gatherings at the Cathedral and Cathedral Centre – including Sunday and daily worship, in-person meetings, events, studies and social time – are on hold until further notice. This follows the directive from the Provincial House of Bishops and Diocesan College of Bishops as we continue to grapple with the COVID-19 crisis and its uncertainties. I ask that you be patient at this time and continue to pray for all whom this affects, including one another.

We are working on ways to connect with you, even if we cannot be together in person. We will continue to host and stream a Diocesan Sunday service each week, including improving the quality and availability of the stream. Also, we will soon be offering daily worship and other spiritual nourishment directly to your homes. Once things are up and running, I will send information to you about how to connect with these offerings. Please continue to visit our website and Facebook page for more information.

God bless you all, and thank you for your care and support for your beloved Cathedral and the communities we serve.

In Christ,

The Very Reverend Stephen Vail
Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto