Donation FAQs

All donations to St. James Cathedral enable us to continue our mission and ministry in the heart of Toronto – worship for the community, teaching for the curious, direction for the lost, music for the weary, food for the hungry, and care for anyone in need. We do not receive any government funding for our work, so rely on generous donations from people like you.

For many, the Biblical practice of tithing – giving away 10 per cent of your wealth to charity – is a powerful example. Some give less, others more, depending on their circumstances. What matters to us as Christians is the joy of generosity: as St. Paul says, “God loves a cheerful giver!” So think, pray, and consider how God is calling you to respond to his boundless love.

You can give a regular gift, a one-time gift, a gift of securities, a bequest in your will, a gift of property, a gift from your retirement plan (RRSP/RRIF), a gift from your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), and a gift of life insurance.

Pre-authorised donations are particularly appreciated because they are easier to process than multiple occasional gifts and they enable us to budget more accurately. In turn, you can spread your giving throughout the year and don’t need to remember to bring money to church! To set up a regular donation please click here.

Please contact us to amend the details of your automated donations.

Leaving a gift in your will allows St. James Cathedral to benefit from your generosity for generations to come. Past legacies have enabled important restoration works to the building; others have supported our outreach and music programs. A donation to the Cathedral in your will can also alleviate the taxes payable by your loved ones on your estate. Please click here for more information.

You can make a memorial donation here.

We promise to treat all gifts with discretion and respect for your privacy. We need your personal details to issue a tax receipt, but we will not publicise the gifts of any donor who wishes to remain anonymous.

Normally gifts to St. James Cathedral are allocated to the area of greatest need, but you may choose to designate your donations to the capital, music or outreach fund. From time to time we also run fundraising campaigns, for example to sponsor refugees, which can be found on our website. If you wish to donate to a more specific initiative at St. James Cathedral, please contact us to discuss further.

As well as giving to the Cathedral, in line with our calling as stewards, we encourage everyone to give to Faithworks (within the Anglican Diocese of Toronto) and the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.

The Cathedral is registered as a charity with the CRA, number 119176923 RR 0001.

The Corporation of the Cathedral comprises the Dean – who is appointed by the Bishop of Toronto – and two Churchwardens, one of whom is appointed by the Dean and the other elected by Vestry. Together they oversee the Cathedral’s business affairs. The Corporation is advised by the Cathedral Council, which in turn receives advice from the Cathedral’s committees (for example on finance and stewardship). The Corporation is also supported by three additional full-time clergy and approximately 50 staff.

The Cathedral’s latest financial statements are here.

Cash donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt, which can offset your income tax. Some other types of donation can also offset capital gains tax. You can claim charitable donations for up to 75 per cent of your net income, and you have five years to carry forward any unused donation amount. You should seek independent legal and financial advice to decide what type of gift is right for you.

Charitable tax receipts are issued annually in February. If you have not received your tax receipt by March 1, or if you would like a replacement receipt, please contact us.

Tax receipts are issued for donations over $20 received or postmarked on or before December 31 in the preceding year.

We are grateful for gifts of securities or property, which are sold immediately so that the proceeds can benefit the Cathedral. Please contact us if you wish to donate property for the Cathedral to keep, so that we can make sure it would be well used.

As well as donations, the Cathedral receives income from property rentals, St. James Cemetery, and investments. The Cathedral’s latest financial statements can be found here.

At St. James Cathedral we balance financial return with our duty to invest sustainably. We use environmental, social and governance filters to centre our portfolio on organizations that pursue positive impact, for instance by avoiding companies that profit from tobacco or arms. We also exercise our shareholder voting rights to promote ethical governance.

We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. We will keep your data secure and won’t share it with third parties for marketing purposes.