Ministry Highlight: Education For Ministry

Education for Ministry (EFM) is a theological education program for the laity, developed in the 1960s. It follows a four-year curriculum which members commit to one year at a time. It is primarily focused on developing ministry among lay people in their everyday lives. It takes seriously the notion that the sacred exists in all realms of life and prepares people for awareness of that central fact of Christian living.

The curriculum consists of a systematic exploration of Old and New Testaments, a worldwide history of Christianity, and modern theology, ethics, and interfaith dialogue, within a seminar setting of 6 to 12 members plus 2 trained mentors. The participants learn to pay attention to their own spiritual histories, practices of theological reflection and prayer as well as the challenge of determining what their personal theologies are. All this education and skills development is to help lay
people understand how they serve. Through this process, some students may discern calls to the vocational diaconate or postulancy in Anglican religious orders. Someone once called it “seminary for the laity”, and that is not a bad short cut definition.

EFM at St. James Cathedral
St. James has had an EFM program since 2014. It ranges in size each year from 6-12 members. The community meets every other Saturday morning from mid-September though early June, 9:30am to 1:15pm in the Cathedral Centre. Membership this past year spanned every decade of life between 20 and 60.

Curriculum and Sponsorship:
• Texts selected or developed by the Faculty of Divinity of the School of Theology at the University
of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee and EFM Canada
• EFM is fully supported by the clergy of St. James Cathedral
• EFM is sponsored by the Anglican Diocese of Toronto and supported by all local area bishops
• Recognized as training for all Christians as well as for lay leaders and those seeking ordination
to the diaconate

Registration is open until the end of August. Contact Carol Kysela via to discuss
whether EFM is right for you.