Dear Friends,
Spring gladdens the soul with signs that the cold, dead season of winter is making way for a new season of life and abundance. It is no coincidence that Easter is celebrated at such a time. What could be more promising and abundant than the hope of new life in Christ that Easter offers? It is a chance to let go of the things that hold us back from the fullness of life and joy and to put our whole trust in the one who is Light and Life.
On the one hand, things are not normal this Holy Week and Easter and, on the other, nothing has changed. Yes, many of our usual practices have been altered by the pandemic and that is distressing in some ways. And yet, the Son will rise and the promises of this season to move us from the deepest darkness to the most glorious light remains unchanged. I invite you to be with us either virtually or in person as you can for this central week to our lives as a community which bears the name of the Risen One.
As a sacramental denomination, it is important in the minds and spirits of most Anglican Christians to receive the sacrament at least weekly. After a long time of deprivation, it is a real joy to see so many of you at the altar again and to be able to celebrate the Eucharist together. I long for the time when the threat of pandemic has ended and we can gather restriction-free once more, celebrating the Holy Mysteries surrounded by puffs of incense, glorious choral music, and the great cloud of witnesses.
For now, however, things are limited, including how many may gather for our Easter celebrations. I am aware that this is one of the key times Christians feel the need to receive the sacrament, so we have provided some extra opportunities for that. We will have five celebrations of the Eucharist on Easter Day and three during Easter Week. (See below for details on Easter Week services). We ask that you only register and/or attend ONE of these celebrations so as many of your siblings in Christ as possible may receive the Easter sacrament. You can find a list of our Holy Week, Easter Day and Easter Week services, and how to register to attend, here.
I wish you the richest blessings this Holy Week and the enduring joy of the Easter season.
In Christ,
Dean Stephen Vail+
Easter Week Midday Services
Holy Eucharist will be offered at 12:30pm on April 6, 7 and 8.
Pre-registration to attend will be required and will be available here on Wednesday, March 31.
Please note: Easter Week midday services will not be live-streamed.