Honouring Dean Stephen Vail – Sep 11

As you know, Dean Stephen Vail’s last Sunday with us is September 11.

We are exceedingly grateful to him for all his efforts on behalf of St. James Cathedral.

Please join us for worship and for a reception for Dean Stephen following the 11:00am service in Snell Hall. The reception will include a presentation, thanking Dean Stephen for his service to the Cathedral, and bidding him a fond farewell. All are welcome!

This is a gentle reminder that if you wish to support and express your appreciation by contributing to his farewell gift, here are the details:

You can make your gift* on the Offering plate; please make sure the envelope or cheque specifies it is for the Farewell Gift or you can make your gift online at:
Tribute & Memorial Offerings – St James Cathedral

Under Type of Tribute select “in honour of” or “in thanksgiving for” and enter Stephen Vail in the Name slot.

*Please note that donations are nonreceiptable.
If you have any questions, please address them to wardens@stjamescathedral.ca