Education For Ministry

Congratulations to Peter Harris!

Peter Harris received his Education for Ministry Diploma. He has completed the 4-year program of EfM, a course designed for baptized Christians to explore their faith and understand their call to service in the world God loves.

Education for Ministry (EFM) Information Session

Baptism calls us all to ministry, service, purpose, way of life. EfM is a great way to explore your faith and discern your ministry with others.
The next EFM session starts in September 2024. To receive the Information Session Zoom Invite, please send an email to
For more information, please talk to Carol Kysela or Mary Hopperton.


Registration for the Education for Ministry program:
This program is open to all baptized Christians who are seeking to deepen their faith, dig deeper into the riches of their Christian tradition, and want to join with others in their journey. Commitment is for one year at a time. For more information, please contact Carol Kysela at

A program created specifically to provide a rich educational opportunity for adult Christians who are seeking to understand their own faith and to prepare them in whatever way makes most sense to them to live into their Christian lives and calling.

The four-year curriculum, to which members commit one year, only, at a time, covers:

  • Year 1: complete reading of the Old Testament with several commentaries
  • Year 2: complete reading of the New Testament with commentary
  • Year 3: a history of world-wide Christianity
  • Year 4: a consideration of contemporary ethics, interfaith dialogue, and theology.

Integrated into these readings there are exercises in theological reflection, spiritual autobiography, prayer life, systematic theology, and ministry for all years.  This sounds like a daunting amount of material, and there is plenty of reading and development of skills particularly in theological reflection, but the pace and goal are oriented towards participants absorbing what will work to assist them in their own personal Christian development and ministry.

EFM at the Cathedral:

The community is a small group (12 participants maximum and 2 trained mentors). We meet every other Saturday morning from mid-September though early June, 9:30am to 1:15pm in the Cathedral Centre Board Room.  Participants range in age from 22 to 75 and have a variety of backgrounds.  At this time we are meeting via Zoom until it is safe to resume face to face seminar meetings.

Discussion is both lively and thoughtful.

Curriculum and Sponsorship:

  • Texts selected or developed by the Faculty of Divinity of the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee and EFM Canada.
  • EFM program sponsored by the Anglican Diocese of Toronto and supported by all local area bishops.
  • EFM is fully supported by the clergy of St. James Cathedral.
  • Recognized as training for all Christians as well as for lay leaders and those seeking ordination to the diaconate in the Anglican Diocese of Toronto.

Fees and Registration:

  • Annual fees:  $350.  Textbooks average another $100
  • Bursaries: $100 bursaries can be applied for, in cases of financial need
  • Registration: For more information, please contact Carol Kysela at

For more information see the EFM Canada website.