The Cathedral endeavours to provide a range of opportunities for people to deepen their understanding of Christian faith and life.
Lectures, seminars and discussion on a wide variety of topics and issues of interest to Christians and to the wider community are offered, usually on Wednesday evenings. These may have a devotional, theological or scriptural focus, especially in Advent and Lent, or may address a contemporary ethical or political issue facing the church. The sessions are led by Cathedral clergy and visiting experts from the wider church. The evenings usually commence with the Eucharist or Evensong in the Cathedral, followed immediately by the presentation. All are welcome. Learn about upcoming lectures here.
Education for Ministry (EFM)
Theological Education for lay people: A wide exploration of Christian tradition, history, and Scripture in a small group seminar setting which takes people seriously as Christians without prescribing any particular interpretations. Learn more here.
York Group
More about the York Group
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Past Lectures (video/audio)
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