On Sunday, June 18 we join with all Canadians from coast to coast to coast to mark a special day of prayer honouring our indigenous siblings and friends. Our history, as the Anglican Church of Canada, is inextricably linked with Canada’s First Peoples – through our long and shared history. It is a history marked by things both dark and light. Much of that history has come under close and appropriate scrutiny!
We have much for which to atone and ask forgiveness; much to celebrate and in which to rejoice.
During the lifetimes of many of us, we have seen massive change and significant improvement in our own awareness and commitments to reconciliation. There is much yet to be done, particularly for us in a large urban centre with a huge presence of indigenous folk.
We have just marked, earlier this month, the installation of a new Indigenous Archbishop – The Most Rev. Chris Harper and, at General Synod, later this month, we shall rejoice in new documents and governance structures for the national Indigenous Church, as we walk alongside Sacred Circles and the Council of Indigenous People. We are deeply enriched in our worship lives by indigenous images and hymnody, by rites of praying to the Four Directions, and by various ceremonies involving gifts – tobacco, sage, strawberries, and so much more.
As a cathedral community, with a ministry to this city, our entire diocese, the wider church, and our country, what a privilege it is for us to acknowledge the richness of our shared heritage and to celebrate that heritage together! I invite you to take a moment this week to offer thanks to God for the diversity of our Anglican Church and for the many gifts which Indigenous Anglicans bring to us. Remember our Indigenous House of Bishops, pray for Archbishop Harper and his staff, and pray for the gathering in Calgary that will bring us all together from our 30 dioceses across the country.
Peter Wall
Interim Dean and Priest-in-Charge
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