30 minutes! New Christmas services (Dec 17, 19 & 21). Invite your family, friends, and neighbors!
Download Merry Moments flyer here
This year you may notice something fresh in our Advent and Christmas schedule.
Merry Moments is a new service which we are running six times in the middle two weeks of December. It’s a 30-minute Christmas ‘taster’ service with very well-known music and readings and a short homily from me. All are welcome, of course, but it is aimed particularly at people who don’t usually go to church, for whom even a full-length carol service may be too much. We are offering six opportunities to attend so that people can find one that suits their schedule – the office lunch hour, after-the-school pick-up, and so on.
Merry Moments:
Tuesday, December 17 at 4:00pm & 6:00pm (in-person).
Thursday, December 19 at 1:00pm & 5:30pm (in-person).
Saturday, December 21 at 10:00am & 1:00pm (in-person).
We want everyone who lives and works in our neighborhood to be invited to Merry Moments and here is where we need your help. Posters and flyers are available in the Cathedral. Could you use these to invite friends and neighbors? A poster in your building, some flyers in the coffee shop you visit, a personal invitation to someone you know?
Let’s offer the people of our area the opportunity to have a merry moment this Christmas!
A Traditional Christmas:
Advent Sunday on Sunday, December 1
4:30pm: Advent Lessons & Carols* (in-person/online).
Blue Christmas on Tuesday, December 10
6:30pm: A Service of Remembrance & Hope
Christmas Eve on Tuesday, December 24
4:00pm: Festive Organ Recital* (in-person/online).
4:30pm: Lessons & Carols* (in-person/online).
7:30pm: Choral Eucharist* (in-person/online).
Christmas Day on Wednesday, December 25
8:00am: Said Eucharist
9:00am: Sung Eucharist* (in-person/online).
11:00am: Choral Eucharist* (in-person/online).
*Livestreamed on the Cathedral YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@StJamesCathedralToronto