Our first year

One year ago we landed in Toronto and joined the queue for our work permits at Pearson Airport.

We have been so grateful for your welcome, encouragement, friendship and support, as well as the many gifts and cards we received for Christmas.

St. James Cathedral Toronto is a special place, and we are glad to be here. 2025 promises to be an exciting year. We will appoint our new Canon Missioner, ordain Matthew to the priesthood, and continue to serve our community. We will seek to know Christ better in prayer and Scripture, in services and small groups, making the Diocesan Season of Spiritual Renewal real in our own lives.

As I said in my homily at the Bishop’s Levee, I believe a renewed church is one which is Jesus-centred, where community is real, where every person is involved in service and ministry. Friends, join me in praying that we should become a church family like that this year.

Dean Stephen Hance