There is a first time for everything! Our Director of Music, Tom, obviously enjoying playing the very first note on our new organ console.
This Sunday, join us for the celebration of the Feast of our Patron Saint, St. James! Tom will play the first Choral Eucharist at the 10:00 am service on our new organ console!
Our old organ console started a new journey to its new home and our New Organ Console Has Arrived!
We were simply delighted to receive the new organ console from Létourneau Organs. Once it is connected to the pipework, two years of detailed planning, beautiful carving, and sophisticated electrical and computer work will come to an end.
The console will enable our music and worship to flourish for at least the next century – one hundred years longer than the rather nice champagne with which we celebrated its arrival!
We hope that you will visit us very soon and be able to view this elegant addition to the sanctuary in person.
Our most sincere thanks to Peter Farah, whose generosity has allowed this project to be fulfilled. The console is dedicated to his father, Canon Shafeek A. Farah, a priest in Palestine and Canada, and whose life of service and love of music you can read about here
His signature in Arabic is carved into the decoration on the casing.
We also wish to thank our amazing property staff and the whole team at Letourneau Organs so ably coordinated by Andrew Forrest.
Thomas Bell – Music Director & Organist
The opening recital is presented by David Briggs on Friday, September 22 at 7:30pm.
Get your tickets and join us with your family and friends!
*Eventbrite here
*E-transfer to (Please specify Recital Sep 22 tickets in the message).
*At the Front Desk of the Cathedral Centre: Monday to Thursday from 9:00am to 4:00pm.
*By cheque, payable to St. James Cathedral (65 Church Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2E9).
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