Building our Future at St. James Cathedral

Stewardship Series

“I am so grateful to all those who contributed to our recent stewardship campaign which so far has raised $382,565 in gifts and pledges. You have made possible the work to launch our Children’s Community Choir, the recruitment of a new Canon Missioner, and some necessary repairs to our organ among other things. It feels good to have played a part in seeing our beloved St. James Cathedral move forward, doesn’t it?

I want everyone to have that feeling. But so far, just 85 people returned response cards, meaning that most of us did not. If you haven’t responded yet, I would love to ask you to. If you can make a weekly or monthly gift, whatever the amount, you are saying “I’m in! I’m part of the team working to make this happen.”

Download the Stewardship Brochure 2024
Download the Giving Card form
Think. Pray. And return the form.

St. James Cathedral needs you. Will you join me in playing your part?”
Dean Stephen Hance


“Did you know that Jesus spoke about money and wealth more than any other topic?

That tells us something about its importance. I plan to preach about our financial stewardship over the first four Sundays in June under the titles: Disciples – Vision – Legacy – Cheerfulness.

Our aim is to refresh our remembrance of God’s generosity to us and to respond in gratitude. This is an exciting time here at St. James Cathedral. We are seeing new people and new opportunities and there is a sense of momentum, of possibility. Finances may be tight, but this is not a time to retrench, rather to move forward. We have set a target of $425,000 new giving for this year, with the hope that at least $390,000 would continue into future years.


Stewardship Series – Week 1: Disciples

“We have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7)

For personal reflection:

  • What does it mean to you to be a ‘disciple’?
  • What do you think the ‘treasure’ is that Paul talks about here?

For prayer: “Lord Jesus, thank you for calling us to be your disciples. Please show us what this means for all the treasures you have entrusted to us. Amen.”

Week 1: Disciples sermon here


Stewardship Series – Week 2: Vision

“We walk by faith, not by sight.” (2. Cor. 5:7)

For personal reflection:

  • What do you think it means to “walk by faith”?
  • How do you try to do this?

For prayer: Loving God, give us your vision, and help us to play our part in seeing it become real. Amen.

Week 2: Vision sermon here


Stewardship Series – Week 3: Legacy

“They voluntarily gave according to their means, and even beyond their means.” (2 Cor. 8:3)

For personal reflection:

  • How do you understand “according to their means”?
  • What means has God given you?
  • What kind of legacy do you want to leave with those means?

For prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to leave a legacy which is honouring to you, according to our means. Amen.

Week 3: Legacy sermon here


Stewardship Series – Week 4: Cheerfulness

“The Great Spirit loves it when people give with glad hearts.” (2 Cor. 9:7, First Nations translation)

For personal reflection:

  • Think about what it feels like to have ‘a glad heart’.
  • What makes your heart feel glad?
  • When you give – to God, to the Church, to others – how does that make you feel? Glad? Or something else?

For prayer: Kind and loving God, as you make our hearts glad with your generosity, so grant us gladness as we give from the abundance we have received. Amen.

Week 4: Cheerfulness sermon here


Stewardship Brochure 2024
Giving Card
Financial update