Thank you all who joined us for Emile’s Farewell after the 11:00am service on Sunday, January 29.
Thank you from Emile Rhinelander
It is with a grateful heart that I wish to take this time to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to the Interim Dean, Vicar, staff, wardens and members of the Cathedral family for the kind words and warm wishes given to me at my retirement celebration.
I think you would all agree with me that it was a joyous time well spent. May God continue to shower us with his blessings and direct our paths in all our endeavours.
To see comments and messages for Emile from our Cathedral community, visit and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
One of the great truths (and gifts) of parish ministry is that we always are in the business of saying hello and saying farewell.
We welcome newcomers and we say goodbye to those who are leaving us. We always say ‘adieu’ – until we meet again, never goodbye. And so it is with heavy hearts but hearts that are full
of gratitude that we ‘launch’ our dear Emile into retirement this week.
As one of the newest ‘newcomers’ to the Cathedral community, I must say that, rarely, if ever, in my experience in ministry, have I encountered a place where I have been so well ‘taken care of’ – and so much of that, for all of us here, is because of Emile. He is our gentle giant – taking care of so much – always smiling, always a word of welcome, always knowing just what we need. He is an expert liturgist, a caring pastor, a skilled and experienced technical expert, and a dear friend.
How much we will his ministry and his kindness. Think of all the stories he could tell…..
imagine the number of missals, of hangings and vesture, of communion vessels, or repaired
light switches, of moved furniture, of repaired microphones, of mysteries solved! In the
details of his dedicated work among us, he has indeed been the hands and feet of our loving
And so, with deep thanks and with so much joy, we wish him well in his retirement. We will find his shoes very hard to fill, and we look forward to welcoming him back when he comes to visit. We promise him a comfortable pew, with no responsibilities. We will take care of him just as he has so dearly taken care of us!
Well done, Emile. Our abundant blessings and deep affection go with you.
The Very Reverend Peter Wall
Interim Dean & Priest in Charge
We share with all our community the special talk that our Interim Dean Peter Wall and Emile Rhinelander had at the cathedral here 🙏🤗⛪❄️