Advent at the Cathedral

Advent Reflections

During the season of Advent, the Vicar will lead the Cathedral community during the 9:00am and 11:00am celebrations as he reflects on the four Advent themes, Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. This is a wonderful way to get ready to celebrate the miracle of the Incarnation when the blessings of hope, peace, joy and love came to us in the child of Bethlehem.

Advent Wreath Making – Sunday, November 28 at 3:30pm

Prepare for Advent by making yourself and your family an Advent Wreath! We’ll have supplies for you to decorate a wreath form with fresh greens and fill it with candles. There’s a suggested donation of $15. For details email Claire at

From Darkness to Light: An Advent Sequence of Readings and Carols
Sunday, November 28 at 4:30pm

Did you miss this service? You can watch it on the Diocesan YouTube channel.

Join us for this special Advent service as we prepare together for Christ’s birth. The readings, carols and hymns lead us from darkness to light, as the events told by the prophets unfold. The service starts quietly, in the darkness of creation, but ends in a blaze of light as the Archangel Gabriel visits Mary, and prologue in John’s gospel echoes the opening words of the Book of Genesis when he announces the light of the Incarnate Word. This service will be both live-streamed and in-person.
Live-stream on the Diocesan YouTube channel.
Register to attend in-person here.

The service will be preceded by an Organ Recital at 4:00pm.

Advent Through the Arts – Young Adult Advent Series

During Advent, we’ll be hosting a series of conversations for young adults in the parish, looking at Advent themes in poetry, photography, music, and iconography. We’ll meet on Sundays at 12:30pm in Snell Hall, beginning December 5. For details email Claire at