Ordination of Claire Latimer-Dennis
Since September 2020, Claire has served as Lay Pastoral Associate at the Cathedral. She is an integral member of our pastoral team and much-loved in our community, with many gifts for ministry. Over the past two years, Claire has been a Postulant for Ordination in the Diocese of Toronto, discerning a vocational calling to ordained ministry. The Dean is delighted to announce that, God willing, Claire will be ordained to the Holy Office of Deacon on May 2, 2021 at 4:30pm in a virtual service from the Cathedral. Her husband, Micah Latimer-Dennis, will be presented for Ordination as well! The service will be live-streamed on the Diocesan Facebook page. The service leaflet can be viewed on our Worship page.
Following her ordination, Claire will begin her Curacy at the Cathedral on May 10. God willing, she will be ordained to the priesthood in the months ahead while still serving as the Curate. Please pray for Claire and Micah as they prepare for this important step in their lives as Servants of the Gospel. May 2 will be a day of joyful, hopeful celebration!