Baptism and Weddings


Those who wish to make a commitment to Jesus Christ and become a member of his Body, the Church, are baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity after receiving instruction appropriate to their age and circumstances. In the case of infants and young children, it is the parents and godparents or sponsors who will make the promises on the child’s behalf to receive such preparation.

Baptism registration forms are available here:

Youth/Adult: Download the PDF file here.

Infant: Download the PDF file here.

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The Anglican Church of Canada welcomes all those who have been baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity in any Christian tradition to receive Holy Communion at the Eucharist. Baptism is not repeatable, and no further initiation rite is required.

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is celebrated publicly at the Cathedral several times during the year.

To make further inquiries about Holy Baptism at St. James Cathedral, send an email to


Weddings are celebrated in the Cathedral for members of the Cathedral community and members of other Anglican parishes.

In keeping with the Bishop of Toronto’s statement of July 2019, the Cathedral continues to offer the sacrament of marriage for same-sex couples.

To make further inquiries about weddings at St. James Cathedral, couples are invited to send an email to

Getting Married at St. James Cathedral