Sunday Services

We offer four services on each Sunday. Each service has a slightly different format or style. See below for the one that’s best for you, or come to a few services and find your favourite!

See our worship page for information about the presiders, preachers, and music for this Sunday.

8:00am Said Eucharist

A serene, spoken service with no music or homily. Conducted in beautiful Elizabethan English from the Book of Common Prayer, this service is best for anyone looking for a quiet, meditative worship experience. Approximately 30 minutes.

9:00am Sung Eucharist

Following the Book of Alternative Services, the celebration of the Word and sacrament are offered in modern English. This contemporary service has the parish choir leading the congregation in singing, lay people offering readings and prayers, with the preacher speaking on scripture and faith in a 20-minute homily. Approximately 60 minutes.

11:00am Choral Eucharist

This is our largest and most traditional service of Holy Eucharist, beautifully sung by the professional Cathedral Choir. This service balances traditional Anglican ritual grounded in a contemporary interpretation of faith. The 11:00am uses the Book of Common Prayer, except on the first Sunday of the month, or at a Baptismal Service, when the Book of Alternative Services is followed. Sunday School and Nursery Care offered. Approximately 90 minutes.

4:30pm Choral Evensong

Evensong is a service of choral music and prayer. Rooted in Anglican Cathedral tradition, Evensong has existed for nearly 500 years. Many continue to find it to be a spiritually transcendent and restorative worship experience.  Discover how this service can bring stillness, calm, and beauty to the end of your weekend. Approximately 45 minutes.