Dear Friends,
The new year is almost upon us, but comments about the outgoing year have been percolating for months. How many of us have heard, or perhaps said, that we hope 2021 is better than 2020? There is no question that the past year has been challenging. In fact, the challenges have been of historic proportion. Socially, economically, mentally, spiritually – the pandemic has caused ripples everywhere across the fabric of our society. Some people have commented that the pandemic is the “war” of this generation, but the enemy is invisible. Some days it feels like there is something to that.
In the Letter to the Romans, we read: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God”. (Romans 8:28) We have just come through Advent, that great season of hope and promise fulfilled in the coming of Christ. So much of the life of faith is about trusting in the goodness and faithfulness of God. We will get through this, not only together but by the grace of God and with the God of grace. There is already light ahead. The vaccine is being rolled out, there have been incredible acts of human kindness and solidarity in the darkness, we will be able to gather again for worship and the sacraments at some point, technology is helping us connect in unprecedented ways and we are getting a clearer picture of what truly matters in life.
We want to thank you for being light in this time of darkness for your Cathedral. We were facing significant financial challenges even before the pandemic began. Many of you have reset some of your financial priorities and have been giving sacrificially to the ministry of St. James. Thank you. The road ahead is long, but it is wonderful to be on the journey with so many faithful and good people.
If you are planning on making a year-end donation to your Cathedral, here are the ways you can do it. We also include some important information and deadline dates for 2020 taxation purposes.
- Mail a cheque to 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2E9. Mailed donations must be post-marked by December 31, 2020.
- You can now hand-deliver your offerings to the Cathedral Centre: A secure mailbox has been mounted in the Church Street vestibule at the entrance of the doors at 65 Church Street. The doors will be open from Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 5:00pm until December 31 to receive your 2020 offerings. Hand-delivered donations must be received no later than December 31, 2020.
- Use the ‘Donate’ button on our website. You can also donate here. Online donations must be received by December 31, 2020.
Thank you and bless you all,
In Christ,
The Very Reverend Stephen Vail, Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto
Don Solomon, People’s Warden
Jayne Hobbs, Rector’s Warden