Diocese of Toronto | Anglican Church of Canada

Reopening Update

Dear Friends,

As you have likely heard, the province announced on Monday that Ontario will enter Step One of its Roadmap to Reopening on June 11. You may also be aware that the provincial government has changed course and is allowing in-person worship to resume in Ontario churches at 15% of capacity as part of Step One of re-opening. This is a month sooner than expected, as previously we had been told that churches would open in Step Two, which would be at least 21 days after the start of Step One.

Your Cathedral leadership team met on June 7 to sort out how we would respond to this unexpected news. We have decided that, if all things remain on the current course of decreased numbers, we will reopen on our Patronal Festival, St. James the Apostle. That date is Sunday, July 25, 2021. Services that day and on Sundays between then and Labour Day weekend will be at 8:00am and 10:00am. We realize this is a significant change, so please see below.

Why are we waiting so long to open?

Some of the leadership team thought we should wait until September, while others were amenable to earlier dates. All were concerned about two things: readiness and safety. Given that this news came earlier than expected, we need a few weeks to get ready to open safely and keeping within various protocols. Further, we agreed that a bit more time made sense to make sure the variants are in check and the numbers are consistently headed in the right direction. As well, we are aware that many will have received their second vaccination shot by that time, allowing for greater protection. We also heard from many of you that it was easier to be closed than the yo-yo effect of opening and closing time and again. We want to be sure when we open, we stay open and that it is safe for all members of our community to travel to and attend worship.

Why are we moving to 8:00am and 10:00am as a Sunday summer schedule?

This year is nothing if not an anomaly! This change is not a sign of the future but a sign of the times. Due to vacations, interim positions and other factors, the number of priests available to preside at the altar is lower than normal this summer. We also need to allow the five staff that have held things together for the last year and a half to have a rest. Therefore, it was decided that it made sense to blend the 9:00am & 11:00am services for those weeks between July 25 and September 5.

Are we able to have outdoor services before July 25?

Rev. Claire is actively looking into this and we hope that it can happen. Our neighbourhood brings unique challenges and opportunities that mean such outdoor events need to be planned carefully. The hope is that we can have an outdoor mid-week Eucharist on the Snell Hall patio.

What else has changed with this announcement?

Actually, not much. We still need to social distance, wear masks, only receive the sacrament in one kind and refrain from congregational singing and choral music until further notice. This is all in keeping with the Diocesan Amber guidelines for in-person worship. In addition, social gatherings, such as Coffee Hour, and in-person meetings are not yet permitted. Only in-person worship will resume on July 25.


In closing, I know that the decision will make sense to some of you and not to others. Please know that care for you and appropriate worship are foremost in my mind always. Let us continue to pray for those who continue to deal with COVID-19, give thanks for the advancements that have been made, and look forward with hope to a time when we can gather and worship again in person. Personally, I miss you and pray for the day when we can join our voices in worship, love and praise within our beautiful Cathedral.

In Christ,

The Very Reverend Stephen Vail
Rector of St. James Cathedral & Dean of Toronto

Posted on: June 7th, 2021 by St. James Cathedral

The Cathedral Church of St James

106 King Street East, Toronto ON M5C 2E9 | Office & Mailing Address: 65 Church Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2E9
(416)364-7865 | info@stjamescathedral.ca

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