Diocese of Toronto | Anglican Church of Canada


E-Connections (March 17)

RE-OPENING FOR WORSHIP! Even though Toronto remains in the provincial grey zone for COVID management, the Ontario Government has increased the number permitted to gather for in-person worship. This has been done in conjunction with a repeated message to...
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E-Connections (March 4)

Dear Friends, The Holy Eucharist is sometimes referred to as The Divine Liturgy. The word liturgy, which comes from the Greek leitorgia, can be translated as “public service” or “work of the people”. I like the second understanding since...
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Black History Month

The annual Diocesan Black Heritage Service took place on Sunday, February 28 at 4:00pm. In case you missed it, you can view the service in its entirety on the Black Anglicans of Canada YouTube page here. Thank you for...
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E-Connections (February 17)

Dear Friends, Today marks the beginning of Lent. Perhaps you don’t feel like observing a particularly strict Lent this year – we are collectively fasting from many things already, longing for that fast to end. So while I don’t...
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Live-Stream Service at 12:30pm

There will be an Ash Wednesday service live-streamed from the Cathedral on Wednesday, February 17 at 12:30pm. Bishop Andrew Asbil will preach and preside. Due to the pandemic, there will be no imposition of ashes. This year’s practice, which...
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E-Connections (February 4)

COFFEE HOUR IS COMING! Who could have imagined a year ago how we would be connecting now? Many of us long for the day when we can meet for coffee in person, greeting one another the good old-fashioned way...
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A Message from the Dean & Wardens (January 7)

WHAT IS SPIRITUAL COMMUNION? During the first lockdown, Anglicans across Ontario observed what the bishops of the province called a “Eucharistic fast”. Now that we are in a second and more troubling wave, that fast has been lifted. As...
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Year End Message from St. James Cathedral

Dear Friends, The new year is almost upon us, but comments about the outgoing year have been percolating for months. How many of us have heard, or perhaps said, that we hope 2021 is better than 2020? There is...
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Christmas Message from St. James Cathedral

Dear Friends, One thing has been emphasized this year again and again: the frailty of our human lives. As we and the whole world are threatened by the COVID-19 virus, we see our vulnerability to disease, our reliance on...
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The Cathedral Church of St James

106 King Street East, Toronto ON M5C 2E9 | Office & Mailing Address: 65 Church Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2E9
(416)364-7865 | info@stjamescathedral.ca

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