From the Dean and Wardens (March 23)

Monday, March 23, 2020

Know That You Are Not Alone!
Do not be afraid, for I am with you.
Isaiah 43:5

Dear Parishioners,

At a time of crisis, our focus turns towards the present. During this very difficult period in the life of our world, please know that through the Grace of God, St. James is here for you – you are not alone.

Although, as a precaution to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and to protect the vulnerable members of society, the Cathedral cannot open for regular service gatherings, we continue to serve in the following ways:

  • St. George’s Chapel in the Cathedral remains open daily from 10:00am to 3:00pm for individual prayer and meditation. Update – March 23, 2020: Due to new restrictions from the Government of Ontario, the doors of the Cathedral are now closed until further notice.
  • In order to bring worship and prayer into your homes, services of prayer are posted at 8:00am Monday-Saturday, on the Cathedral’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. The Mandarin community will also offer daily devotions, which will be posted in the same place.
  • On Sundays at 11:00am, a Diocesan service will be available which you may link to it through the Diocesan website or on the Diocesan Facebook page. The video will also be available after the fact. Virtual services leaflets are available here.
  • The St. James Facebook page is very active with Cathedral and community updates. Join us with your likes and comments. Links to prayer apps and sites can be found there as well.
  • The St. James website is being updated regularly and E-connections will be sent weekly. If you know someone who is not on our list, please forward them the email and ask them if they would like to continue receiving them. The text of Dean Stephen Vail’s last e-letter is available here.
  • The clergy are also working on a prayer line that will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm beginning on Monday, March 30. The number is 416-364-7865 ext *232 on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 416-824-3109 on Fridays.
  • The Drop-In, although closed to sit down gatherings, will serve weekly take-away food and distribute personal care items to our guests. We will continue to serve the most vulnerable in our society as long as we are able to and can afford to do so.
  • The Refugee Committee is meeting each week virtually, in order to take care of the needs of our refugee family.
  • The Executive Committee is meeting on a regular basis to deal with our ever-changing environment.


As you know, we depend on five main sources of income: rental income, cemetery income, investment income, offerings and grants (mainly from the Diocese of Toronto). Of these, revenues from the first four sources have declined sharply. All rentals have been cancelled by our clients. The cemetery has been shut down for some time, because of equipment failures. Financial markets have suffered decline. Only about a third of our parishioners donate by way of automated, regular payments. When the other two-thirds don’t attend, we don’t receive their offering. As a result, we are operating at 7% of our usual income.

In response to the decline in revenue and a drastically reduced need for the services of our staff, we have temporarily or permanently laid off or reduced the paid services of over 30 employees. The decision to do so was extremely difficult, but we are encouraged by the announcement of income support programs by the Government of Canada. Lay-offs or staffing reductions have occurred in all departments: part-time clergy, administration, rentals, music and property, as well as the cemetery.

We have also imposed a spending freeze, with immediate effect. The Cathedral’s essential administration and property staff are working to keep the Cathedral running. Thanks to our upgraded IT system, most staff are working from home when conditions permit.

Essential temporary repairs to one of our two retorts at St. James’ Cemetery crematorium have been completed, and we expect to start performing cremations in a couple of weeks, restoring a much-needed source of income. The longer-term project to replace the retorts continues to be planned.


Although we are all focused on the present, we also know that this pandemic will end. With your help, God’s mission will continue into the future at the corner of King and Church, as it has since 1797. You can help St. James to continue to operate in the present and into the future. Despite our spending reductions, we continue to need to pay essential staff and utility charges.

  • St. James Cathedral’s revenue has dropped by 93%. Please help by continuing to send your regular donations by cheque to 65 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2E9 or by using the “Donate” button on our web page. In 2019 we implemented a cyber-security program to maintain the security of your personal and financial data. Better still, sign up for pre-authorized monthly giving. This assures us of a vital stream of income.
  • Practice social distancing, but please stay in touch with your fellow parishioners by phone, email or social messaging.
  • Let us know how you are.
  • Tune in to the Cathedral’s daily services.
  • Monitor the Cathedral website and Facebook page for regular updates.


Bishop Asbil announced on Sunday, March 22, 2020 that he accepted Louise Peters’ resignation as Vicar of St. James Cathedral. You can read the Bishop’s full letter here. Louise will conclude her ministry at St. James on May 15, 2020. Her husband, The Rev’d Bruce Chalmers, has accepted an appointment to a parish in British Columbia, bringing them closer to their family. We would like to thank Louise for her leadership, devotion, care and love as she saw the Cathedral through a significant transition period. Please keep Louise and Bruce in your prayers as they journey forward. We will keep you informed about a farewell for Louise as COVID-19 restrictions unfold.

We are so grateful to each one of you for your faithfulness and love of this holy place. We are at a crucial juncture in the history of the Cathedral, when the sacrificial financial giving of our members will determine the kind of future we have. Thank you for your generosity.


Dean Stephen and Wardens Don & Jayne