The Annual Vestry Meeting of St. James Cathedral Church was held on March 12, 2023 at 1:00pm in Snell Hall.
Some people left a meeting Sunday afternoon at Snell Hall and might have spent some of Sunday evening hearing, over and over again, ‘…and the Oscar goes to….’
Sunday afternoon, ‘the Oscar went to…….’ the entire Cathedral congregation, staff, and leadership team. The 221st meeting of the Cathedral vestry is now in the books – it was an important, healthy, helpful, and good-spirited gathering of the congregation, the first time since 2020 when we really could be together.
We elected, appointed, reviewed, received, and reflected. There was a positive optimism in the room, and we looked ahead together to the exciting things that lie ahead. We also prayed – offering our thanks and gratitude for so many and for so much.
Hats off (and little statuettes ready) for Jim and Susan, for Andrea and Lisa, for Ric Hillyer, for Bill Benson and Bob Hart, for John O’Brien, for Joan Peters and Kate Uchendu, David Gates and Don Solomon, for Stephen Fields, and for many dedicated volunteers!
Please hold Sandra Mowat and Christian Kingsmill, along with our newly appointed Councillors, Lay Representatives, and Tribunal members in your prayers.
Bravo and thanks!
The Very Rev’d Peter Wall
Interim Dean and Priest-in-Charge
Congratulations to those elected and appointed at Sunday’s Vestry Meeting.
People’s Warden: David Gates
Deputy People’s Warden: Joan Peters
Assistant Deputy People’s Warden: Sandra Mowat
Cathedral Council: Denny Creighton, Richard Harrop, Matt Jaeger, Sarah Rodrigues, Yosola Sholagbade-Adeoye
Synod Representatives: Ruth Davis, Rob Haines, Irene Bailey, David Hedley, Elizabeth Hartman
Alternate Synod Representatives: Peter Dawes and Marie Crosta
Parochial Tribunal: Angela Carroll and Ted Hawken
Appointed by the Interim Dean
Rector’s Warden: Kate Uchendu
Deputy Rector’s Warden: Don Solomon
Assistant Deputy Rector’s Warden: Christian Kingsmill
Cathedral Council: Graham Scott, Sybil Wilkinson, Angela David, Colleen Cardillo, Carol Kysela
Meeting Documents are posted here:
Financial Statements: If you are a member of Vestry and would like to receive a copy of the financial statements, please email
Diocesan Vestry Motion & Backgrounder: 2023 Social Justice Vestry Motion: Raise the Rates