Making an Intentional Lenten Journey 2024
The Season of Lent is a gift intended especially for those who are turning to the way of Christ in some new way. Maybe your Christian faith has been a private affair – until now.
If this is the moment for you to become intentional about following the way of Jesus, to find out how, talk to Canon John Hill, or email
Seminar on the Gospel in Lent:
Thank you to all who joined us for this seminar to explore Jesus’ determination to take his Gospel of the Kingdom of God up to Jerusalem, as the context for the Sunday Gospels.
The Season of Lent arrives early this 2024:
Lent is a gift intended especially for those who are turning to the way of Christ in some new way. Maybe your Christian faith has only been a family tradition – until now.
If this is the moment for you or your household to become more intentional about following the way of Jesus, Lent is for you!
To find out more about this opportunity, talk to Canon John Hill. You can contact him at
At the heart of our experience in Lent is our encounter with the gospel stories we hear on Sundays. But these stories need to be heard in the context of the bigger story: Jesus’ determination to take his Gospel of the Kingdom of God up to Jerusalem. Before Lent begins, everyone is invited to explore the Lenten gospel stories in relation to this context.
We are offering choices in time as well as in-person and on-line gatherings.
Join us in person or online for three Wednesday sessions on January 24, 31, and February 7 at 11:00am and 7:00pm.
Each session will conclude within one hour. RSVP for this engaging seminar series indicating your preferred time and means of participation (in-person or online).
Send an email to to register and receive the Zoom link or speak to one of the clergy.