On Sunday, January 7, 2024, we said goodbye to the Very Reverend Peter Wall, our Interim Dean and Priest-in-Charge. On behalf of our St. James community, we are sincerely grateful to Dean Peter for his ministry; he has served us faithfully and well with kindness, care, and especially humour – he will be very much missed. We wish him and Anne all the best for the future!
Some pictures of the best moments by Ed McDonough.
To see more pictures of the best moments and get to know more news, visit and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
To read Peter’s Farewell Song, click here
Please join us after the 11:00am service on January 7, 2024 to celebrate Dean Peter and his ministry at St. James Cathedral. Thank you, Dean Peter!
If you wish to support and express your appreciation by contributing to his farewell gift, here are the details:
You can make your gift* on the Offering plate; please make sure the envelope or cheque specifies it is for the Farewell Gift or you can make your gift online at: Tribute & Memorial Offerings – St James Cathedral
Under Type of Tribute select “in honour of” or “in thanksgiving for” and enter Dean Peter Wall in the Name slot.
*Please note that donations are nonreceiptable.
If you have any questions, please address them to wardens@stjamescathedral.ca
Adieu, with deep gratitude.
The work of ordained ministry, particularly when it is centred on a particular community, such as this Cathedral, is an, at times, overwhelming privilege. The work of ministry is a huge gift – often challenging, always moving, sometimes complex and confounding, deeply comforting, and replete with opportunity and grace. And so, it has always been in my own ministry – I have been blessed beyond any comprehension or prediction.
What I have always been given in this vocation is a wonderful host of friends – a growing company of saints who have become imprinted on my soul and have welcomed me into their lives. I have constantly received so much more than I could ever have given. How fortunate I am!
So, thank you to so many – to colleagues and friends who form the dedicated and hard-working staff of this Cathedral. To Churchwardens and leaders whose generosity of time and skill is breathtaking. To singers and players who have delighted me over and over again and have brought me out of myself and nearer to God. To those who meet and plan, organize and work, to those who care so passionately for those whom we welcome into this place day by day and especially on Friday afternoons every week! To those who have read scripture, offered prayers, carried crosses and torches, censed God’s people – such a committed group of souls. And to all those who have smiled, giggled, hugged, wept, forgiven, and put up with me! You are all friends – an unbreakable part of my life, and I will always be in your great debt.
To have been the Interim Dean of this Cathedral has been an enormous honour – one I will always hold in my heart, as I will hold each of you, with deep and abiding affection!
The future here is bright and promising – what a joy it has been to be a part of preparing for that future.
May God’s abundant and always present blessing be upon all who gather here.
My best,
The Very Rev’d Peter Wall
Interim Dean & Priest in Charge