Ministry Highlight: Sidespersons & Stewards


St. James Sidespersons’ team consists of 60 volunteers who serve with dedication at the 8:00am, 11:00am, and 4:30pm Sunday services, as well as funerals, Diocesan and other services held at the Cathedral. Sidespersons provide a ministry of welcome by ensuring that everyone who enters our doors for a Sunday service receives a warm greeting.

In addition, their main duties include giving out service booklets, collecting the offering, giving guidance for communion, answering questions, and giving assistance and direction in case of an emergency. The Sidesperson’s welcome can make all the difference to a visitor deciding to return to services at the Cathedral and finding out about the activities provided by our many ministries. Bishop Snell stated that, “a Sidesperson is more important than the Dean and/or Rector as they make the first impression on all our guests.”

Our Sidespersons continue to update their training by taking courses in First Aid, Health & Safety, Medical
Emergencies, Fire Escape Planning, De-escalation and Sexual Misconduct.
Thank you to coordinators Bob Simpson and Barbara Hirst, as well as Philip Day and Bill Hawker (8:00am) and Shawn Thorpe (4:30pm).


The Stewards are a group of 34 regular members of the 9:00am Sunday congregation that serve on average, once every 5-6 weeks, in the Eucharist as Lay Communion Ministers, Intercessors, Readers, and/or Sidespersons. Through their individual and collective roles, Stewards focus on the promotion and development of a welcoming, caring, and inclusive community.

The ministry began in 1985 at the request and under the direction of the Rector and Dean of Toronto, Bishop Hugh Stiff. The ministry continues today under the direction of the Vicar.

Assignment of duties is done by a coordinator by means of a common schedule (showing all Stewards and their roles) prepared twice yearly, January to June, and July to December. The schedule and assignment of duties considers a Steward’s other commitments and holiday plans.