Palm Sunday 2023
To see more pictures of the best moments of our Palm Sunday Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser this year and get to know more news, visit and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
As we wave our triumphant palms and then make the dramatic transition into the Passion of Jesus on the Sunday we still call ‘Palm Sunday’, but whose more accurate title is ‘The Sunday of the Passion, with the Liturgy of the Palms’, we begin the most wondrous, holy, and moving week of our Christian year. It is a week we call ‘holy’, because it is composed of so much sanctity, sensuousness, and depth. The lucky ones among us are those who make an intentional ‘walk’ this week through a variety of different, colourful, and evocative liturgies.
Holy Week is a time when time itself is stretched and upset; then the ‘normal’ rhythm of our lives is thrown askew; then the predictable and safe is completely undone; when the meaning of darkness and light becomes fresh and new. It is a week when we walk with our Saviour to His agony and death and rejoice with Him in His, and our, Resurrection! Alleluia!
The Very Rev’d Peter Wall Interim Dean and Priest-in-Charge