Happy Canada Day – may we all take a moment to be grateful! Thanks be to God!
Today July 1, The Drop-In celebrated Canada Day in our traditional way with a great BBQ on the west lawn of St. James Cathedral!
We thank God, our volunteers, and everyone in the community who made this possible.
Also, many thanks to all the members of the neighborhood and Cathedral community who participated today.
To see more pictures of the best moments and get to know more news, visit and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Wow, what a Canada Day celebration!
The West Lawn was our dining room on July 1, and it was buzzing with guests from our Drop-In community, parishioners, and our neighbours. The rain held off, the grill was fired up and the music played! Our heartfelt thanks to Kathy Biasi for her vision of welcome and hospitality and for her cheerful attention to every detail; and to our AMAZING staff and the MANY volunteers who prepared the food, served it, welcomed our guests and cleaned up. Is it true that 700 burgers were served (with cheddar cheese and fried onion toppers)? The best-ever watermelon and Canada Day Cake(s) were a special treat. This is our St. James Cathedral Community at its very best!
The editorial in the July 1 Globe and Mail caught my attention with this masthead: “Canada is an idea worth celebrating”. The editor holds together our significant challenges as a nation with our shared identity as Canadians. That identity was first expressed in the British North America Act, 1867. “Peace, order, and good government is more than just a constitutional clause, it is also a promise…not where we are but our destination.” That promise is alive and well in many ways – and falling short in others. There are gaps between promise and reality. And perhaps that calls us yet again to renew our baptism promises – to live as faithful citizens, to be a generous and grateful people who are willing and able to welcome and respond to the needs of others. And to notice and celebrate God’s goodness every day.
May God keep this land glorious and free!
The Rev’d Canon Beth Benson – Interim Associate Priest
To see more pictures of the best moments of our St. James Drop-In Annual BBQ this year and get to know more news, visit and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
The Drop-In will be celebrating Canada in our traditional way with a huge BBQ on the West lawn and will need many hands to make the work lighter for the day.
Shifts start in the kitchen at 9:30am and run until we have cleaned up at the end of the day.
The event runs from 12:30pm to 3:00pm.
There are positions available in the kitchen, in the BBQ pit, setting up, 2 areas we serve, and finally cleaning up.
If you are interested and would like more details, please contact Kathy Biasi at 416-364-7865 *222 or kbiasi@stjamescathedral.ca. Please leave a message and your call will be returned.
We count on you, thank you for your support!