Talk with Dean Stephen Hance: His life and ministry

What did you do before you became Dean at St. James Cathedral?

I was formerly the National Lead for Evangelism and Witness for the Church of England. I was until 2019 the Dean of Derby. I trained for the ministry at St. John’s Nottingham and was ordained in Portsmouth Diocese where I served his curacy at St. Jude’s Southsea. I then served as Team Vicar of St. Saviour’s Hanley Road (London Diocese) before moving to Southwark Diocese in 1999, where I was Vicar of Ascension Balham Hill and then Director of Mission and Evangelism for the Diocese and Canon Missioner at the Cathedral.

What studies do you have? I have a BSc in Sociology from Portsmouth University (where I also met my wife Jacqui), a BTh and MA from Nottingham University, a DMin from Asbury Theological Seminary (USA), and a Masters in Public Administration from Birmingham University.

What were your responsibilities in the wider Church of England and beyond? I have been a member of General Synod, a member of the Council of Intercontinental Church Society, a trustee of Just Earth, President of the Alumni Council of Asbury Theological Seminary, and founder/convener of the Cathedrals and Growth Network.

Tell us about your family: My wife is Jacqui, and we have three adult children, Eliott, Simeon, and Isaac. We enjoy the theatre, friendship, hospitality, and God’s creation.

What are you passionate about? I am passionate about the Church, the mission of God in the world, and enabling people to flourish.

What song cheers you up? Anything by The Beatles.

How would you describe your experience of God in one word? Constant.

How do you see St. James Cathedral in the coming years? As the Cathedral fit for the city of Toronto. A place where all the cultures of this city are celebrated, a hub for the arts, and a player and leader in the city in terms of building the common good and a place where people discover faith and Jesus.

A brief message from the Dean to our cathedral community: Thank you for your welcome and for making us feel at home. I am so grateful to be here, and we have an exciting journey to go on together.

Stay tuned! More conversations with the Dean to come.