Ways to give in 2024

We are all so blessed in God’s economy and have the joyous opportunity of sharing our blessings with others.
Please make a special gift in four different ways:

*On-line at stjamescathedral.ca/donate/give-online

*E-Transfer: to gifts@stjamescathedral.ca If you require a tax receipt, please provide name and address in the message.
Tax receipts will be issued for gifts of $20 or more. If you have questions, please contact gifts@stjamescathedral.ca

  1. Sign into your online banking app or webpage.
  2. Find “Interac e-Transfer”.
  3. Choose or add the St. James Cathedral email address gifts@stjamescathedral.ca
  4. Enter the amount (no need for a security question since we have registered for Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit).
  5. (Optional) Message/Comment box – If you require a tax receipt, please provide name and address. Tax receipts will be issued for gifts of $20 or more. Unless otherwise specified, donations will go towards the operations of St. James Cathedral.
  6. Hit SEND!
    If you have questions, please contact gifts@stjamescathedral.ca

*In-person: If you would like to drop off an offering to the secure mailbox which is mounted in the Church Street vestibule at the entrance of the doors at 65 Church Street.

*By mail: to St. James Cathedral, 65 Church Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2E9.

We thank you and deeply appreciate your generosity.

Charitable Tax Receipts are issued once a year for cumulative gifts of $20 and greater.
Please note that once a gift has been made it is nonrefundable.

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